Draft Wholesale Electricity Market Procedures for consultation

Stakeholder comment is sought on four draft WEM Procedures related to the Tranche 1 Amending Rules presented to the WEM Reform Implementation Group on 26 November 2020.
Last updated:

The Tranche 1 Amending Rules introduce a new framework into the Wholesale Electricity Market (WEM) Rules for registering generator performance standards, and an associated monitoring and compliance regime, for all generating systems connected to the South West Interconnected System (SWIS).

The draft WEM Procedures, which will support these WEM Rules, have been developed by AEMO, Western Power and the Coordinator of Energy under WEM Rules clauses 1.36.3(a), 1.36.4(a) and 1.36.5(a)).

Consultation on these Procedures is open for four weeks, ending on Friday 8 January 2021. Please provide feedback directly to the relevant organisation (as applicable) at: 

AEMO: wa.ets@aemo.com.au 
Coordinator: energytransformation@energy.wa.gov.au 
Western Power: RegulatoryReforms@westernpower.com.au

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