Distributed Energy Resources Roadmap Third Progress Report

Corporate report
The Distributed Energy Resources (DER) Roadmap is in its penultimate year of delivery. The Third Progress Report has been released and highlights major achievements since the Second Progress Report in 2022 and outlines what lays ahead for DER integration.
Last updated:

Released in April 2020 as a key deliverable of the WA Government’s Energy Transformation Strategy, the DER Roadmap outlined a plan through to 2025 to enable the uptake, integration and market participation of DER. 

To recognise the significance of the Roadmap and to celebrate its achievements, regular progress reports have been released throughout its delivery.

The Third Progress Report outlines the major accomplishments that have occurred since the previous report’s release in 2022. Drawing on all the insight to date, this penultimate report is able to outline the specific requirements and actions to realise value from aggregated DER by 2025 and beyond.

Key achievements that have informed the direction of the Third Progress Roadmap include:

  • conclusion of the State’s flagship Virtual Power Plant pilot, Project Symphony;
  • ascension of two Acts by WA Parliament – the Alternative Electricity Services (AES) Act 2024 and Electricity Industry Amendment (DER) Bill 2024;
  • advancement of the second phase of the DER Orchestration Roles and Responsibilities program;
  • roll-out of Emergency Solar Management (ESM) to help address system security concerns and enable development of an aggregation-style product for non-contestable customers; and
  • progression of the Electric Vehicle Action Plan (EVAP).