DG ICT Council Communiqué - February 2016

The second meeting of the Directors General ICT Council was held on 4 February 2016 at Dumas House.
Last updated:

The Council agreed on the need for a benefits realisation plan to ensure that key initiatives are mapped, objectives are clearly understood and progress is tracked. This planning will maximise the Council’s ability to positively influence outcomes for Government.

Council members were provided with an update on the draft Western Australian Government ICT Strategy and the GovNext-ICT initiative. Members also discussed a range of new whole of government ICT policies, as well as a proposed framework and implementation approach. These policies included:

  • Cloud
  • Digital Security
  • Digital Services
  • Interoperability
  • Business Continuity and Disaster Recovery

The policies were endorsed in principle, pending minor amendments to accommodate members’ feedback. A preliminary draft data classification policy was also considered, with work continuing to define parameters and test assumptions.

The Council was updated on progress made by the Office of the Government Chief Information Officer and the Public Sector Commission in developing an ICT capability framework for the Western Australian Government based on current professional standards.

Next meeting

An additional meeting of the DG ICT Council will be scheduled to agree on a benefits realisation plan and ensure upcoming milestones are articulated and understood. The next formal meeting of the Council is scheduled for 28 April 2016.

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