Department of Communities Multicultural Plan

The Department of Communities' three-year Multicultural Plan: 2023-2026
Last updated:

The Multicultural Plan 2023-2026 (Plan) fulfils the Department of Communities' (Communities) responsibility to develop an agency-specific plan under the Western Australian Multicultural Policy Framework.

The Plan continues to build on the work of the first Multicultural Plan 2021-2023 with a focus on capturing the benefits of cultural diversity in Communities' workforce, as well as ensuring Communities is responsive to the needs of the diverse communities we work with and support.

The Plan has been developed through a robust consultation process, including a cross-divisional working group, and a range of targeted internal and external consultations.

The targets identified in the Plan are divided into the following three policy priorities:

  • harmonious and inclusive communities
  • culturally responsive policies, programs and services
  • economic, social, cultural, civic and political participation.

The Plan is grounded in the Communities' vision for a WA where cultural diversity is celebrated and embraced, and where everyone is empowered to fully participate in society.

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