Department of Communities - Climate Action and Sustainability Strategy 2024-2027

This document outlines the Department of Communities’ Climate Action and Sustainability Strategy 2024-2027.
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About this strategy

This document outlines the Department of Communities’ (Communities) Climate Action and Sustainability Strategy 2024-2027 (the Strategy).

The United Nations Brundtland Commission defines sustainability as “meeting the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs.”

Climate action and sustainability are about more than protecting the environment. They are also about supporting sustainable and resilient communities, and ensuring that every individual has access to the resources they need.

Social and environmental issues are deeply interconnected. We must therefore work holistically, to together create a truly sustainable and equitable future.

The Strategy identifies nine focus areas relating to climate, community, and governance. For each focus area we have identified two to four targets or strategic directions that will guide our work and ensure we achieve our goals. Each focus area has been aligned with the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals, the Western Australian Climate Policy and the forthcoming Western Australian Climate Change Act to ensure we are contributing to global efforts to tackle climate change and social inequality. This is an evolving space and our targets will update as required.

In the final pages of the Strategy there is a table, which lists each target in detail, along with its links to existing state and national policy, the organisations we are collaborating with, and our proposed first steps.

We all have a role to play in ensuring that we make a positive impact and that our actions are sustainable. We encourage our people, partners, and customers to contribute, collaborate, challenge, and push us to be more ambitious.

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