Better Care, Better Services

The out-of-home care sector in Western Australia is committed to striving for excellence in the standard of safety and quality responses for children and young people.
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The out-of-home care sector in Western Australia is committed to striving for excellence in the standard of safety and quality responses for children and young people. The Children and Community Services Act 2004 (the Act) provides the legislative framework for the development of standards for children and young people in care, or where there may be concerns regarding a child’s safety. The Act contains a range of objects and principles that must be regarded in administering the functions under the Act.

The Department of Communities has a legislative role in safeguarding and promoting the wellbeing of children, and providing for their protection and care in circumstances where their parents have not given, or are unlikely or unable to give, that protection and care. In recognition of this responsibility, two standards were added to the nine standards in Better Care, Better Services that are applicable to the Department of Communities in their child protection and investigative role. These can all be seen in the pdf below.


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