Hon Dr Tony Buti BPE DipEd MIR LLB DPhil MLA

Attorney General; Minister for Commerce; Tertiary and International Education; Multicultural Interests
Minister Dr Tony Buti


For Hon Dr Tony Buti BPE DipEd MIR LLB DPhil MLA

Attorney General; Minister for Commerce; International and Tertiary Education; Multicultural Interests

The Hon. Dr Tony Buti is Western Australia's Attorney General; Minister for Commerce; International and Tertiary Education; Citizenship and Multicultural Interests.

Tony has been a Minister for the Cook Labor Government since March 2021, and has been the Member for Armadale in the Legislative Assembly since 2010.

He has worked as a high school teacher, lawyer, legal academic and legal officer in the Naval Reserve. On 2 October 2010, he was elected as the Member for Armadale in the Parliament of Western Australia.

Tony has published a number of books, including an award-winning biography on Sir Ronald Wilson.

Prior to becoming a Minister, Tony was Chairman of the Western Australian Legislative Assembly Public Accounts Committee, and while in opposition, he was Deputy Chair of the Community Development & Justice Standing Committee.

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