Ms Lena Constantine

State Training Board member (1 January 2023 to present)
Last updated:
Lena Constantine, member of the WA State Training Board

Ms Constantine is an executive leader at the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Western Australia (CCIWA) who has been driving workforce development policy and initiatives for WA industry for over a decade.

Holding a Bachelor of Commerce from Curtin University, she has responsibility for leading CCIWA’s services focused on supporting WA businesses to build local skills through connecting with the school, vocational education and training (VET) and university sectors to develop the workforce of the future.  

Lena is passionate about getting people the skills that WA industry needs and has strong knowledge of the apprenticeship system from overseeing WA’s largest Australian Apprenticeship Support Network provider since 2015. Previously working in Canberra on industry policy for the Federal Government; she led the CCIWA policy team, amassing extensive experience in policy development and government program implementation.