Kylie Maj

Director General
Last updated:
Kylie Maj

Kylie Maj has been a driving force for justice reform in Western Australia as a senior executive at several WA Government departments and statutory authorities. 

Ms Maj is currently the Director General of the Department of Justice, after serving as its Deputy Director General Strategic Reform since 2019. She previously served in senior roles at the Department of the Premier and Cabinet (DPC), the Office of the Auditor General and the Ombudsman WA.

Ms Maj has established a track record of identifying solutions to strategic policy issues, securing funds for implementation, and collaborating with stakeholders to deliver complex reforms. Her work at Justice has included overseeing the launch of the WA Office of Crime Statistics and Research, establishing a Legislative Services directorate, convening the Aboriginal Justice Advisory Committee and developing the Department’s inaugural Family and Domestic Violence (FDV) Strategic Framework.

As Justice Reform Project Director with DPC, Ms Maj managed a project to develop a suite of justice reform initiatives that were ultimately allocated $100m in Budget funding. She later implemented these reforms at Justice, namely the General Court Intervention Program, FDV GPS Tracking Trial, Reducing Avoidable Remand Program (Bail Support and Prison In-Reach Services) and the Parole In-Reach Program.

Ms Maj has an Honours Degree in Political Science from the University of Western Australia and is a Sir James Wolfensohn Public Service Scholarship winner. 

Corporate Executive Committee

Kylie Maj
Director General
Kati Kraszlan
Commissioner for Victims of Crime
Mark Hainsworth
Executive Director
Advisory Services
Brad Royce APM
Commissioner / Deputy Director General
Corrective Services
Tony Clark
Deputy Director General
Corporate Services
Joanne Stampalia
Deputy Director General
Court and Tribunal Services
Geoff Lawn
Parliamentary Counsel
Parliamentary Counsel's Office
Pauline Bagdonavicius
Public Advocate
Office of the Public Advocate
Brian Roche
Public Trustee
Alison Jackson
Registry of Births, Deaths and Marriages
Gina Hill
Acting Deputy Director General
Strategic Reform
Alexandra Filipe
Acting Deputy Director General
People Culture and Standards