Builders - Scope of work

Scope of work for building practitioner and contractor licence holders.

Building practitioner - Scope of work

The below information provides a description of activities which Western Australia (WA) licensed building practitioners are permitted to perform. If you are a WA licensee visiting another state under AMR, you are only allowed to perform the activities listed below.

If you need to apply for a WA licence more information is available on the registration page.

Licence identifier: BP00 – BP00000

Scope of work

To act as a nominated supervisor for a registered building contractor to manage and supervise building services.

Specific activities

Manage and supervise the following building work:

  • the construction, erection, assembly or placement of a building;
  • the renovation, alteration, extension, improvement or repair of a building;
  • the assembly, reassembly or securing of a relocated building;
  • the changing of ground levels of land for the purposes of work mentioned in the first three points above to the extent that could adversely affect land beyond its boundaries;
  • site work on land for the purposes of, or required because of, work of a kind mentioned in the first four points above;
  • site work on land for the purposes of the demolition, dismantling or removal of a building or an incidental structure;
  • site work on land for the purposes of the changing of ground levels for the purpose of demolition, dismantling or removal or a building or an incidental structure, to the extent that that work could adversely affect land owned by a person other than an owner of the land on which the building or incidental structure that is subject of the demolition work is located.

The following activities are not included:

  • The construction of a farm building; a walkway, viewing and gathering platform or water tank that does not form part of another building; and an incidental structure. (An incidental structure means a structure attached to, or incidental to, a building and includes: a part of a structure; chimney; mast; swimming pool; fence; free standing wall; retaining wall; or permanent protection structure.)
  • The production of a prefabricated or transportable building in a manufacturing yard.
  • The formation of a parking area or outdoor sporting surface including associated fencing and lighting
  • The installation of fire sprinklers, free standing partitioning, safety systems, timber decking or glazing
  • Cabinet making and installation or joinery (2nd fixing) work

Compliance requirements in WA

To get a registration in WA

  • Must have an appropriate qualification or equivalent.
  • Must have appropriate experience.
  • Must have an Australian Police Check.
  • Must be a fit and proper person to hold a registration.
  • Must pay an application fee.

To keep a registration in WA

  • Must renew the registration every three years.

They must comply with the Building Services (Registration) Act 2011, Building Regulations 2012, and Building Services (Registration) Regulations 2011, Building Services (Complaint Resolution and Administration) Act 2011 and the Building Services (Complaint Resolution and Administration) Regulations 2011.

Building contractor - Scope of work

The below information provides a description of activities which Western Australia (WA) registered building contractors are permitted to perform. If you are a WA licensee visiting another state under AMR, you are only allowed to perform the activities listed below.

If you need to apply for a WA licence more information is available on the registration page.

Licence identifier: BC00 – BC00000

Scope of work

Building work:

  • for which a building permit is required;
  • with a value of $20,000 or more; and
  • which is carried out in a defined area of the state (area of jurisdiction).

Specific activities

Contract and carry out the following building work:

  • the construction, erection, assembly or placement of a building;
  • the renovation, alteration, extension, improvement or repair of a building;
  • the assembly, reassembly or securing of a relocated building;
  • the changing of ground levels of land for the purposes of work mentioned in the first three points above to the extent that could adversely affect land beyond its boundaries; or
  • site work on land for the purposes of, or required because of, work of a kind mentioned in the first four points above.

The following activities do not require a registration:

  • The construction of a farm building; a walkway, viewing and gathering platform or water tank that does not form part of another building; and an incidental structure. (An incidental structure means a structure attached to or incidental to a building and includes: a part of a structure; chimney; mast; swimming pool; fence; free standing wall; retaining wall; or permanent protection structure.)
  • The production of a prefabricated or transportable building in a manufacturing yard.
  • The formation of a parking area or outdoor sporting surface including associated fencing and lighting.
  • The installation of fire sprinklers, free standing partitioning, safety systems, timber decking or glazing.
  • Cabinet making and installation or joinery (2nd fixing) work.

Compliance requirements in WA

To get a WA registration

  • Must hold a building practitioner registration.
  • Must have the capacity to meet debts as and when they fall due.
  • Must have appropriate arrangements in place to manage and supervise building services.
  • Must pay an application fee.

To keep a WA registration

  • Must renew the registration every three years.
  • Must maintain capacity to meet debts as and when they fall due.
  • Must maintain appropriate arrangements to manage and supervise building services.

They must comply with the Building Services (Registration) Act 2011, Building Services (Complaint Resolution and Administration) Act 2011, Building and Construction Industry (Security of Payment) Act 2021, Building Act 2011, Home Building Contracts Act 1991, Home Building Contracts Regulations 1992, Building Regulations 2012, Building Services (Registration) Regulations 2011, and Home Building Contracts (Home Indemnity Insurance Exemption) Regulations 2002 and Building Regulations 2012.

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