Asbestos licensing

Applications for asbestos removal Class A, Class B and assessor licences.

Applications for asbestos removal Class A, Class B and assessor licences.

Use the below links to navigate to the applications for Class A, Class B and asbestos assessor licences.

Regularly check licences

To check if your licence or the licence of an employee is current, you can use the online licence search.

Licensed asbestos assessor (LAA) list

WorkSafe recommends you make your own enquiries about the standard of work conducted by all service providers, including licensed asbestos assessors. While those listed are licensed with either WorkSafe WA or the equivalent regulator in another state or territory at the time of publishing, WorkSafe does not provide a service guarantee. This list is provided as a customer service, based on contact information provided by the licence holders and is correct at the date of publication.

This list will be periodically updated. If you are an LAA on this list and would like your details changed or if you are an LAA that would like to be added to/removed from the list please contact 

NameEmailContact numberCompany
AHMED 474 069Meta Maya Environmental Pty Ltd
ANDERSON 9240 5010Prensa
APPLETON Dylan Dae-Hwan -0403 912 545Site Environmental and Remediation Services
BARTON Tanyatsbarton@slrconsulting.com0477 990 501SLR/360 Environmental
BOWER 684 247AEC AU Pty Ltd
BREED 9355 4010Environmental Site Services
BROWN 342 098Environmental Risk Cons
BURETT Stephen 722 468Site Environmental and Remediation Services
CARPENTER Samsam@holdfastsolutions.au0435 510 150Holdfast Solutions
CARTER Chrischrcarter@gmail.com0498 772 949-
CHAPPELL Gavingavin.chappell@tetratech.com0498 835 323Tetra Tech Coffey
CHEONG 954 784Meta Maya Environmental Pty Ltd
CLARKSON 808 659QED Environmental Services
COLLINS David 616 575BroadSpec Environmental
DANN Mal (Malcolm)mal.dann@morganenv.com1300 522 922Morgan Environmental Pty Ltd
De MEL DIMITRI Michaeldimitri@aptenv.com0457 335 982APT Environmental Pty Ltd
DEAVES Matthewmatthew.deaves@tetratech.com0428 168 083Tetra Tech Coffey
DIGHT Tobyperth@wsp.com08 9489 9700WSP Australia Pty Ltd
EASTON   0438 447 273-
EMBLETON Karlakarla.embleton@tetratech.com0419 154 675Tetra Tech Coffey
EVERETT 243 360NE Occupational Hygiene Services
GALLAGHER 553 644Red OHMS Group
GORDON Zanezane.gordon@tetratech.com0432 280 939Tetra Tech
GOW Markmark.gow@wsp.com0448 977 974WSP Australia Pty Ltd
GREEN Adam 111 375QED Environmental Services
HADLEY 005 316Meta Maya Environmental Pty Ltd
HARE 0457 177 170Complete Asbestos Management Pty Ltd
HARROP Simonsimon.harrop@tetratech.com0457 854 123Tetra Tech Coffey
HOLDEN Jadejade.holden@eoshconsulting.com0451 431 077Eosh Consulting Pty Ltd
HUTCHINS 368 498Occupational Hygiene Australia
JACKSON 253 558Thuroona ServicesJONES
JONES 894 002Broad Spec Environmental
KENNEDY Christopherchristopher.kennedy@aecom.com0477 819 699AECOM
LANCASTER 929 089Survey Services Pty Ltd
LAZEK Tomasztom@morganenv.com1300 522 922Morgan Environmental Pty Ltd
LEURS 817 128AARCO Environmental Solutions
LINFORD 910 390Meta Maya Environmental Pty Ltd
LOW KWAN HO 892 530Site Environmental and Remediation Services
MARTIN Samuelsam.martin1@tetratech.com0431 561 951Tetra Tech Coffey
McCORMACK 836 200Identify Assess & Control Pty Ltd
MORGAN Danieldan@morganenv.com1300 522 922Morgan Environmental Pty Ltd
NEAL ReaganhygieneWA@eurofins.com08 6253 4444Eurofins ARL
NEWSOME 596 651AARCO Environmental Solutions
NORRIS 526 709Occuhealth
OLSZEWSKI PawelPawel.Olszewski@wsp.com0478 145 882WSP Australia Pty Ltd
PARRY Ianian.parry@atlasisc.com08 9447 3128Atlas Industrial Safety Consulting
PERCY 138 325Site Environmental and Remediation Services
PERRY 9240 5010Prensa
QUESTEL AaronAaron@morganenv.com1300 522 922Morgan Environmental Pty Ltd
RAJARAM Kasinathankasinathan.rajaram@wsp.com0478 869 086WSP Australia Pty Ltd
ROWLEY Edwardedward.rowley@tetratech.com0438 964 764Tetra Tech Coffey
SHADES 003 288QED Environmental Services
SHAW 95375700Occuhealth Pty Ltd
SMITH 955 531Meta Maya Environmental Pty Ltd
SMITH 227 769Land Kwality
SOUTHAM 172 602Site Environmental and Remediation Services
TREMAIN 385 377QED Environmental Services
VAN GEEST 9355 4010Environmental Site Services
WHITE Benjamin 624 836Thuroona Services
WRIGHT Benben.wright1@tetratech.com0426 825 895Tetra Tech Coffey

Class A asbestos removal work in WA with an interstate licence

If I hold a Class A licence in NSW but not in WA, can I conduct Class A asbestos removal work in WA?

The holder of a current, equivalent licence issued under a corresponding WHS law can work in Western Australian without the need for a separate licence to be issued in this State. This includes the holder of a Class A asbestos removal licence issued in NSW.

If you have an equivalent licence issued in another State or Territory, you are precluded from applying for a licence in Western Australia. Applicants for a Western Australian licence:

  • cannot hold an equivalent licence under a corresponding WHS law; and
  • must reside in the state or territory where the application is made.

Recognition of class A licences in WA

Are Class A licences across Australia recognised in WA? Could someone from Sydney with an A Class licence move to WA and do Class A asbestos removal work?

Yes. There is now recognition of equivalent asbestos removal licences, meaning you can work in all states and territories which have adopted the WHS laws and hold the appropriate asbestos licence issued by any of those states and territories.

Last updated:
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