Lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, queer, intersex and asexual plus (LGBTQIA+) Inclusion Strategy

The State Government is developing a strategy to drive inclusiveness for LGBTQIA+ Western Australians.
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Developing Western Australia's LGBTQIA+ Inclusion Strategy

The State Government announced the development of Western Australia’s first whole-of-government LGBTQIA+ Inclusion Strategy (the Strategy) on 23 February 2024.

The Strategy’s development will be led by Hon Hannah Beazley MLA, Minister for Local Government; Youth; Minister Assisting the Minister for Training and Workforce Development, and the Department of Communities (Communities).

Equality and freedom from discrimination and violence are fundamental human rights for everyone, but LGBTQIA+ people face significantly higher levels of discrimination, stigma, and social exclusion, which can contribute to deteriorating health, social and economic outcomes.

The Strategy will drive inclusion for LGBTQIA+ Western Australians, and identify priority areas and associated actions to drive long-term and systemic change.

It will promote the Western Australian LGBTQIA+ community’s well-being and full social and economic participation.

Funding is being provided to three community organisations including to support the development and implementation of the Strategy. They are:

A Reference Group consisting of representatives from the Western Australian LGBTQIA+ community is also being established. As the Strategy takes shape, the Reference Group will guide consultation and engagement with the LGBTQIA+ community.

Consultation will involve many organisations and individuals in addition to those on the Reference Group. Communities will offer a variety of options for people to have input and participate in Strategy development.

Consultation and community engagement is expected to roll out in the second half of the year, and everyone is encouraged to share their experience and perspectives.

The Strategy will encompass all LGBTQIA+ Western Australians including seniors, youth, Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples, our culturally and linguistically diverse community, and people with disability.

This page will be updated as engagement progresses.

LGBTQIA+ peak body

Additionally, an LGBTQIA+ peak body will be established and supported. Among its roles, the peak will co-chair the Reference Group alongside Communities. Further information about the peak will be published on this page and TendersWA.


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