Developing Western Australia's LGBTIQA+ Inclusion Strategy
On 23 February 2024 the State Government announced the development of Western Australia’s (WA) first whole-of-government LGBTIQA+ Inclusion Strategy (the Strategy).
The Hon Hannah Beazley MLA, Minister for Youth is the lead minister responsible for the delivery of the Strategy and Department of Communities (Communities) is the lead agency for developing and implementing the Strategy.
The Strategy will drive inclusion and promote the well-being and full social and economic participation of all LGBTIQA+ people in WA through identifying priority areas and associated actions to foster long-term change.
The Strategy will be supported by an Action Plan.
To support development of the Strategy, Communities will work with key partners to maximise community connection and engagement. Funding and governance have been established to support this collaborative approach, as outlined below:
Rainbow Futures WA has been appointed as the peak body to support the development and implementation of the Strategy, including guiding engagement with LGBTIQA+ communities and organisations.
Funding has been provided to three non-government organisations to support the development and implementation of the Strategy. These are:
A Strategy Reference Group (the Reference Group) is guiding consultation and engagement with LGBTIQA+ communities and sector organisations. It is co-chaired by Department of Communities and the peak body.
Communities has formed a Government Project Steering Group, including representatives of key State Government agencies, to provide strategic guidance for the development of the Strategy and implementation.
Have your Say
Consultation with LGBTIQA+ people across Western Australia is now open until April 2025.
Your input is encouraged to help inform the development of the Strategy to ensure it reflects the lived experiences of people who are LGBTIQA+ and responds to their diverse needs and aspirations to create a more inclusive WA.
There will be many opportunities to provide input throughout the consultation period, in person and online. Submissions are also accepted in various methods including video, audio, and other creative or accessible outlets. These can be submitted directly to
Engagement with LGBTIQA+ people and communities is continuous throughout the lifetime of the Strategy development, and repeated input is welcome.
We also welcome input from allies, who may be connected to LGBTIQA+ people and communities as a family member, friend, health professional or educator.
We are committed to engaging with purpose and working in partnership with key partners to undertake statewide, trauma-informed, culturally and psychologically safe engagement.
Upcoming consultation sessions
The State Government is committed to hearing from the diversity of LGBTIQA+ people and communities across WA. The LGBTIQA+ peak body (Rainbow Futures WA), representatives of the LGBTIQA+ Reference Group, and other LGBTIQA+ sector organisations are supporting multiple opportunities to Have your Say through consultation sessions across metropolitan and regional WA.
A list of all organisations facilitating consultation sessions is provided below. As there may be more than one organisation hosting a consultation session on a given day, you may choose to attend more than one consultation session to have your say.
Please register your interest to receive more information about attending planned sessions here:
February 2025
- All LGBTQIA+ people – Bunbury
- Older LGBTI people – Albany
- Regional LGBTQIA+ migrants, refugees, and asylum seekers – Albany
- Younger LGBTIQA+ people – Perth
March 2025:
- All LGBTIQA+ people – Online, Kalgoorlie, Perth
- Bi+ community – Perth
- LGBTIQA+ Christians – Perth
- LGBTIQA+ sporting clubs – Perth
- Multicultural, multifaith, and multilingual LGBTQIA+ people – Perth
- Muslim LGBTIQA+ communities - Perth
- Older LGBTI people – Perth, Geraldton
- Pride WA members – Perth
- Transgender consultation - Perth
April 2025:
- All LGBTIQA+ people – Geraldton, Mandurah, Perth
- LGBTIQA+ sporting clubs – Perth
- Older LGBTI people – Busselton, Perth
- People living with HIV – Perth
- Pride WA members – Perth
May 2025:
- All LGBTIQA+ people – Broome, online, Perth
- Older LGBTI people – Broome
If you or your organisation are interested in running your own consultation, please contact the LGBTIQA+ Peak Body or Communities via
- Consultation user guide (PDF, 362KB)
- Consultation toolkit (PDF, 454KB)
- Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) (PDF, 266KB)
Contact to register your consultation and request support.
LGBTIQA+ Peak Body
Rainbow Futures WA is the Peak Body established to represent and advocate for Lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, intersex, queer and asexual plus people in Western Australia. To find out more visit Rainbow Futures WA.
LGBTIQA+ Reference Group
An LGBTIQA+ Reference Group was established to support engagement with the sector and people with lived experience.
Stay up to date on the latest news and updates by subscribing to our mailing list or emailing us via
Media Statements
- Consultation opens for WA's first LGBTIQA+ Inclusion Strategy
- Rainbow Futures WA named new independent peak body for LGBTQIA+ Western Australians
- Expressions of interest sought for WA's new LGBTQIA+ peak body
- First reference group meeting held for LGBTQIA+ strategy
- New LGBTQIA+ inclusion strategy to promote equality