World Elder Abuse Awareness Day - Resources

World Elder Abuse Awareness Day (WEAAD) is commemorated on 15 June each year. On this day people are encouraged to make a united stand against all forms of abuse against older people in our global communities.
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Resources to recognise WEAAD and promote your activity

Resources to help you to recognise World Elder Abuse Awareness Day on 15 June, which include a social media, poster and email signature. Toolkit resources have been developed for organisations and individuals to commemorate and raise awareness of WEAAD. Resources can be shared digitally or downloaded and printed.

Image with the words 'wise up rise up against elder abuse - world elder abuse awareness day 15 June 2024'


Posters to help you promote your WEAAD event or activity.

A suite of elder abuse awareness posters, post cards and brochures can also be downloaded from our Elder Abuse Support Services and Resources page.

Social media

You can use the following copy for your social media post:

‘Elder abuse affects 1 in 6 older Western Australians and may involve many different forms of abuse. From 11-15 June, Western Australians are encouraged to Wise Up and Rise Up against all forms of abuse against older people in our community. To learn more about World Elder Abuse Awareness Day on 15 June, how to recognise the signs and what support is available visit
It’s time for us all to Wise Up and Rise Up against Elder Abuse.’

Download the social media tile below to help you share the message of WEAAD online.

[Chrome users: to download ZIP files, right click on the file and choose "Open link in new tab."]

Email signature

Email signature block that can be inserted into your email signature settings.

[Chrome users: to download ZIP files, right click on the file and choose "Open link in new tab."]

Newsletter, email and intranet article

You can use the following copy for your newsletter, email or intranet article:

World Elder Abuse Awareness Day is commemorated on 15 June each year. On this day, Western Australians are encouraged to Wise Up and Rise Up against all forms of abuse against older people in our community.
The tagline ‘Wise Up, Rise Up against Elder Abuse’ focuses on how everyone in the community can both Wise up (by finding out more about elder abuse, recognising the signs and where to access support) and Rise up by acting individually and in communities to stop Elder Abuse from happening and to support older Western Australians.
Elder abuse is a complex issue and for many older people, understanding that what they are experiencing is abuse is the first step to confronting the issue.
An older person or a perpetrator may not identify what’s happening as abuse.
Many people are surprised to learn that elder abuse is not just physical abuse but also financial and emotional abuse (often resulting in feelings of fear and helplessness). This could include threats that cause fear of violence, isolation or powerlessness or financial abuse such as using money or property without permission or repeatedly asking for loans.
Older people may also cover up the signs of abuse due to fear of what may happen if anyone finds out or they might be unaware that the perpetrator’s actions are a form of abuse. Elder abuse is often largely hidden and unreported.
If you or someone you know is experiencing elder abuse you can contact the WA Elder Abuse Helpline and Information Service on 1300 724 679.
During the week of World Elder Abuse Awareness Day, the Department of Communities is encouraging all Western Australians to get involved in raising awareness and learning more about elder abuse in the community.
To find out more about events planned for World Elder Abuse Awareness Day and the range of support services available visit: Elder Abuse and the Mistreatment of Older People
For more information about elder abuse and support available visit Elder abuse support services and resources.