Following the State General Election on 8 March, the WA Government will continue to operate in a caretaker role until the new Ministry is sworn-in.
Home WA Government Document collections Wholesale Electricity Market Amendment (Market Suspension) Rules 2023 Wholesale Electricity Market Amendment (Market Suspension) Rules 2023 Amending WEM Rules made by the Minister for Energy Last updated: 19 September 2023 Type: Minister for Energy amendments Title: Wholesale Electricity Market Amendment (Market Suspension) Rules 2023 Gazettal date: 19/09/2023 Commencement date: 01/10/2023 (8:00am) Documents related to these Amending Rules Wholesale Electricity Market Amendment (Market Suspension) Rules 2023 (PDF, 209.15KB) Gazettal Notice 2023/125 (PDF, 423.38KB) Sidebar Provided by Department of Energy, Mines, Industry Regulation and Safety > Energy Policy WA Share Facebook share(Opens in a new tab/window) Twitter(Opens in a new tab/window) LinkedIn(Opens in a new tab/window) Copy URL