Structural change management

Guidance to assist public sector agencies implement structural change.
Last updated:

Structural change affects people and their positions and can cause a degree of disruption. Employees should be informed of what is happening. This includes their options, what the change process involves and what support services are available.

A guide for agencies and change documentation templates are available on this page.

See Redeployment and Redundancy and Voluntary Severance for more information.

Principles for change

There are six principles for effective change management.
  1. A clearly defined rationale and vision of the change is understood
  2. Stakeholders are identified, appropriately consulted and informed
  3. The system and processes developed to achieve the change are transparent
  4. Collective and collaborative leadership is empowered
  5. There is a dedicated focus on people
  6. The change is systematically reviewed and adapted

Process for change

There is not one single process that is suitable for all structural change. However, some common interlocking process steps should be followed.
  1. Design
  2. Deliver
  3. Dialogue
  4. Do
  5. Evaluate

Obstacles to successful change

There are common obstacles that can prevent successful change.

Any agency undergoing structural change should be aware of these obstacles and ensure that, when designing the change approach, consideration is given to how these obstacles will be overcome. The common impediments to successful change are:

  • not creating a governance structure
  • lack of role modelling by leaders
  • under-communicating the vision
  • declaring success too soon.

Support for change

Agencies undertaking structural change may contact the following central agencies for support.

Public Sector Commission - Advice on Public Sector Management Act 1994 and associated regulations, Commissioner's Instructions, change process, executive structures and classifications and advice on staff movement between agencies.

Department of Treasury - Advice on Financial Management Act 2006, accounting, financial governance and reporting

Department of Mines, Industry Regulation and Safety - Advice on Industrial Relations Act 1979, awards, agreements and employment arrangements.

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