State Disability Strategy 2020-2030

A Western Australia for Everyone: State Disability Strategy 2020-2030.
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A Western Australia for Everyone: State Disability Strategy 2020-2030 (the Strategy) was launched on 3 December 2020.

The Strategy sets the foundation to protect, uphold and advance the rights of the 511,500 people with disability living in Western Australia.

The vision for the Strategy is: People with disability, and those who share their lives, are engaged and feel empowered to live as they choose in a community where everyone belongs.

The Strategy is supported by a series of Action Plans, which promote transformative change and equitable opportunities and outcomes for people with disability in all areas of life.

Actions are categorised under four pillars, which broadly represent the foundations for the Strategy’s vision:

  • Participate and contribute
  • Inclusive communities
  • Living well
  • Rights and equity.

The Action Plans will be reviewed every two years to ensure the initiatives being undertaken are contemporary and responsive to the needs and priorities of people with disability.

The WA Government extends its thanks to the Co-design Group, community members and other key stakeholders for their significant contributions to the development and implementation of the Strategy.

Consultation Summary

The Strategy and Action Plan were informed by a comprehensive consultation process with many different groups, including people with disability, carers, disability support organisations, other organisations and a range of government departments. A detailed Consultation Summary is available by request via

Year Three Process Evaluation

In 2023, an independent ‘process evaluation’ of the Strategy was undertaken. The process evaluation assessed the Strategy’s processes and methods and the Strategy’s ongoing role and relevance.

Innovation Fund

The Innovation Fund is a key part of implementing the Strategy. The $5 million Fund invested in initiatives and projects that creatively applied new knowledge, technologies, or processes to improve inclusion and participation for people with disability.

Australia’s Disability Strategy

Australia’s Disability Strategy 2021-31 sets the overall disability policy direction for Australia in alignment with Australia’s obligations to the United Nations Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities.

The State Disability Strategy supports the WA Government’s commitment to Australia’s Disability Strategy.

The Commonwealth government oversees the implementation of Australia’s Disability Strategy and Australia’s Disability Strategy Hub collates all the information and resources about Australia’s Disability Strategy.

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