Rule Change: RC_2009_15

A Rule Change Proposal made by the Economic Regulation Authority on 25 March 2009
Last updated:

Type: Standard Rule Change Process

Submitter: Economic Regulation Authority

Title: Removal of ERA Time Limit to Publish Investigation Results

Market Rules Affected: Clause 2.16.9F

Date Submitted: 25 March 2009

Date First Published on the IMO Website: 31 March 2009

Current Status: The Amending Rules commenced at 8.00am 1 November 2013

Event Date Comments
Notification Published 31/03/2009  
First Submission period 01/04/2009 – 13/05/2009 The submission period is 6 weeks from the date the IMO published the notification.
Draft Report published 7/07/2009 This period was extended in accordance with the notice of extension published 4 June 2009.
Second submission period 08/07/2009 – 04/08/2009 The submission period is 20 B-Days from the date the IMO published the Draft Report.
Final Report Published 01/09/2009 Must be published within 20 B-Days after the end of the second submission period.
Ministerial Approval 18/09/2013 The Minister approved the Final Rule Change Report on 17 September 2013.
Rule Commencement 01/11/2013  


Submissions received in the first submission period

Submissions received during the second submission period

Notice under Clause 2.5.12

4 June 2009

In accordance with clause 2.5.10 of the Market Rules, the IMO has extended the timeframe for preparing the Draft Rule Change Report for the Rule Change Proposal titled "Removal of ERA Time Limit to Publish Investigation Results" (Ref: RC_2009_15). The date for preparing the Draft Rule Change Report is extended until Tuesday 7 July 2009. As a consequence of this extension, the remaining timelines for processing the proposal have been adjusted as follows:

  • Second Submission Period 8 July 2009 – 4 August 2009
  • Final Report Published    1 September 2009

Reason for the extension
During the first submission period a number of important points were raised which require further analysis. The period for preparing the Draft Rule Change Report needs to be extended to allow the IMO sufficient time to complete the analysis of the proposal and the issues raised and to investigate possible solutions. This extension will allow the results from the analysis to be taken into consideration in the Draft Rule Change Report and the Second Submission Period.

Views from Rule Participants consulted on the extension
When deciding to extend the period to publish the Draft Rule Change Report, the IMO consulted with the ERA. The ERA did not express any objections regarding the proposed extension of the timeline for publishing the Draft Rule Change Report.

Proposed Work Programme

  • IMO undertake further analysis on investigation timelines. The analysis will consider other jurisdictions and related industries and report on the findings in the Draft Rule Change Report;
  • IMO prepare and publish Draft Rule Change Report;
  • Interested parties will assess the Draft Rule Change Report before making submissions during the second public consultation period for the Rule Change Proposal; and
  • The IMO present the outcomes and its decision in the Final Rule Change Report.


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