Reserve Capacity Mechanism Working Group

An inactive working group of the Market Advisory Committee.
Last updated:

At the Market Advisory Committee (MAC) meeting held on 5 October 2011, it was agreed that a new working group be convened to assess the issues highlighted by The Lantau Group in its report "Review of RCM: Issues and Recommendations".

The Reserve Capacity Mechanism Working Group has been established to consider, develop and assess changes to the Market Rules associated with issues related to the Reserve Capacity Mechanism.

A copy of the Report from The Lantau Group and the RCMWG Terms of Reference are provided below:

Working Group Members

Member Representing on the Working Group
Allan Dawson Chair
Kate Ryan IMO
Brendan Clarke System Management
Andrew Sutherland Market Generator
Ben Tan Market Generator
Shane Cremin Market Generator
Brad Huppatz Market Generator (Verve Energy)
Wendy Ng Market Customer
Patrick Peake Market Customer
Steve Gould Market Customer
Stephen MacLean Market Customer (Synergy)
Andrew Stevens Market Customer/Generator
Jeff Renaud Demand Side Management
Justin Payne Contestable Customer
Geoff Down Contestable Customer
Paul Hynch Observer (Office of Energy)
Wana Yang Observer (Economic Regulation Authority)

The IMO recently sought membership applications to serve on the RCMWG. For reference a copy of the membership application form is provided below.

Meeting Papers

Reserve Capacity Price Workshop (4 July 2012)

Meeting 6 (cancelled)