
Completed Procedure Change on transitional changes to notices and communications
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Title: Transitional Changes to Market Procedure: Notices and Communications (Rule Change Panel).

Current Status: The amended Market Procedure commenced at 8:00 AM on 3 April 2017.

On 26 November 2016, responsibility for the Market Procedure contemplated in clause 1.6.1 of the Market Rules transferred from the IMO to the Rule Change Panel, consistent with the proposed transfer of rule-making functions to the Rule Change Panel.

In accordance with clauses 1.18.1(d)(iii) and 1.19.1 of the Market Rules the Rule Change Panel made several amendments to this Market Procedure to:

  • reflect the transfer of various functions (including responsibility for this Market Procedure) to the Rule Change Panel; and
  • maintain consistency between the Market Procedure and the Market Rules.

Additionally, the name of the Market Procedure was changed to “Market Procedure: Notices and Communications (Rule Change Panel)” to distinguish it from the Market Procedure developed by AEMO under clause 1.6.2 of the Market Rules.

Under clause 1.18.1(d)(iv) and 1.19.2 of the Market Rules the amended Market Procedure may commence operation on the date and time determined by the Rule Change Panel and published on the Market website. The Rule Change Panel determined that the amended Market Procedure would commence at 8:00 AM on 3 April 2017.

Clean and tracked changes versions of the amended Market Procedure are available below.

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