Under Jobs & Skills WA, contracting arrangement processes have been streamlined and strengthened to support greater quality training provision. The focus is on efficient and effective selection and management of contracted private registered training organisations (RTOs).
RTOs contracted by the Department to deliver training services in WA are required to comply with a range of contractual obligations. These include key contractual requirements common to all programs, and additional program-specific requirements which will vary depending on the program under which you have been contracted to deliver.
Listed below are the contractual requirements and supporting information.
- The list of key contractual requirements are common to all programs and apply to all contracts.
- The items listed under program-specific requirements are additional to the key contractual documents. They apply only to the program/s you have been contracted to deliver.
If you require clarification or assistance in relation to your contract, please contact your case manager directly.
All RTOs are to ensure that they comply with the Department of Training and Workforce Development's VET fees and charges policy.
View the VET fees and charges policy
Key contractual requirements
These documents form part of the contract and outline the contractual obligations of the service provider.
- Letter signed by the Corporation in acceptance of the Service Providers Offer.
- Payment tables are generated based on the funded training list. They detail the total hourly rate (Government subsidy and student fee) that will be paid to the training provider for the qualification.
Provisions as to the formation of the contract, and rules to be applied in the event of inconsistency between any of the documents constituting the contract, are contained in the general provisions.
Contract documents for 2023—25
Effective from 1 January 2025
Apprenticeships and traineeships
The Department of Training and Workforce Development Apprenticeship Office administers training contracts and regulates the apprenticeship system in WA, as prescribed in Part 7 of the Vocational Education and Training Act 1996 (the VET Act) and associated Regulations.
For information on your obligations when delivering training to apprentices and trainees, please visit the Apprenticeship Office website.
Payment tables
Apprenticeships and traineeships payment tables are available from the TAMS RTO portal.
A list of pre-apprenticeship courses, including those available for secondary school students, is available on the Jobs & Skills WA website.
Course lists: Jobs & Skills WA website
Pre-apprenticeship payment tables are available from the TAMS RTO portal.
A list of pre-traineeship courses, including those available for secondary school students, is available on the Jobs & Skills WA website.
Course lists: Jobs & Skills WA website
Pre-traineeship payment tables are available from the TAMS RTO portal.
Enterprise Training Programs
Participation Programs
Participation Program payment tables are available from the TAMS RTO portal.
Priority Industry Training Program
Priority Industry Training Program payment tables are available from the TAMS RTO portal.
Aboriginal School Based Training (ASBT) Program
VET Delivered to Secondary Students (VETDSS) - Additional Places Program
VETDSS additional places program payment tables are available from the TAMS RTO portal.