The schedule below shows when each of the emergency management (EM) documents in the State Emergency Management Framework will be reviewed.
Consistent with the principle of continuous improvement and to maintain accuracy and currency, amendments to the State EM documents are outlined below.
The State EM Policy Branch of the Department of Fire and Emergency Services (DFES) administers the review and consultation of the framework documents.
Summaries and detailed logs of amendments made in between comprehensive reviews can be found below. Historical reviews and amendment logs may be requested.
State emergency management document review schedule
(Current as of 17 December 2024).
Document | Current version | Comprehensive review required |
State EM Policy | 3.06 | June 2026 |
State EM Plan | 3.08 | June 2026 |
State EM Procedures | 3.05 | June 2026 |
State EM Glossary | 3.03 | June 2026 |
SHP - Animal and Plant Biosecurity | 2.02 | August 2026 |
SHP - Collapse | 1.02 | December 2026 |
SHP - Crash Emergency | 3.00 | March 2029 |
SHP - Earthquake | 1.02 | December 2026 |
SHP - Energy Supply Disruption | 2.04 | August 2029 |
SHP - Fire | 2.05 | March 2025 |
SHP - HAZMAT | 2.00 | May 2029 |
SHP - HAZMAT (Annex A - NPW) | 3.02 | March 2026 |
SHP - HAZMAT (Annex B - SPRED) | 3.02 | August 2025 |
SHP - Heatwave | 3.02 | October 2027 |
SHP - Hostile Act | 1.03 | August 2026 |
SHP - Human Biosecurity | 2.03 | December 2024 - extension provided until March 2025 |
SHP - Maritime Environmental Emergencies | 2.03 | December 2026 |
SHP - Search and Rescue Emergency | 2.00 | August 2028 |
SHP - Severe Weather | 1.01 | December 2028 |
SHP - Terrorist Act | 2.03 | August 2027 |
SHP - Tsunami | 2.02 | December 2026 |
SSP - Animal Welfare in Emergencies | 2.03 | March 2025 |
SSP - Emergency Public Information | 2.05 | May 2025 |
SSP - Emergency Relief and Support | 2.01 | October 2028 |
DEMC Members Handbook (Attachment to Preparedness Procedure 3.6) | 1.01 | August 2027 |
Impact Statement Guide (Attachment to Recovery Procedure 5.4) | 1.02 | October 2024 - extension provided until October 2025 |
LEMA Guideline and Model | 2.05 | May 2021 |
Local Recovery Guidelines | 3.03 | March 2026 |
Restricted Access Permit System Guideline | 1.00 | December 2028 |
State Emergency Risk Management Guideline | 1.00 | December 2028 |
Traffic Management During Emergencies Guideline | 3.04 | August 2027 |
WA Community Evacuation in Emergencies Guideline | 3.02 | December 2025 |
WA Managing Exercises Guideline | 2.02 | May 2021 |
Amendments made in 2024
Show moreAmendments list December 2024
- Statement of fact amendments to State Support Plan - Emergency Relief and Support following the further implementation of Emergency Relief and Support structure within Department of Communities.
- Republication of State Support Plan - Emergency Public Information and State Support Plan - Animal Welfare in Emergencies to acknowledge SEMC approved comprehensive review extension.
Amendments list November 2024
- Publication of State Hazard Plan – Fire following the SEMC approval of a comprehensive review extension to March 2025. No substantial amendments were made to this version other than the extension update.
Amendments list August 2024 (pdf)
- Publication of State Hazard Plan – Energy Supply Disruption following a comprehensive review and the activation of state response arrangements during January 2024.
- Publication of State Hazard Plan – Maritime Environmental Emergencies following the 2023 exercise and targeted review of the plan.
Amendments list July 2024 (pdf)
- Publication of State Hazard Plan - Fire and State Hazard Plan - Severe Weather following further implementation of the Australian Warning System framework across cyclone, flood and storm warnings.
- Consequential amendments to the Local Recovery Guideline and resources to bring up to date with accessibility project initially carried out in 2021 across the State EM documents framework.
Amendments list May 2024 (pdf)
- Publication of State Hazard Plan - HAZMAT updates following a comprehensive review
- Consequential amendments to migrate Chemical, Biological and Radiological (CBR) arrangements from State Hazard Plan - HAZMAT into State Hazard Plan - Hostile Act and State Hazard Plan - Terrorist Act.
Amendments list March 2024 (pdf)
- Statement of fact amendments to Water Corporation roles and responsibilities
- Minor formatting and typographical amendments
Amendments list February 2024 (pdf)
- Statement of fact amendments to the Traffic Management During Emergencies Guideline.
Amendments made in 2023
Show moreAmendments list December 2023 (pdf)
- Publication of the initial All- Hazards Restricted Access Permit System (RAPS) Guideline
- Publication of the State Emergency Risk Management (ERM) Guideline
- Publication of State Hazard Plan - Severe Weather
- Consequential amendments to suite of State EM Documents reflecting the new Guidelines
- Publication of State Support Plan - Emergency Relief and Support (formerly Emergency Welfare) and consequential amendments to suite of State EM Documents to reflect terminology changes)
- Publication of Local Emergency Management Committee Handbook
- Consequential amendments to suite of State EM Documents reflecting the revised SEMC Capability Framework
- Consequential amendments to suite of State EM Documents reflecting the revised SEMC subcommittee structure and procedures
- Amendments to State EM Policy and State EM Plan 5.4 (Funding Arrangements for Emergency Response
- Removal of State EM Policy and State EM Plan Appendix AA (COVID-19 Recovery)
Amendments made in 2022
Show more- Update of hyperlinks to suite of EM documents to link to website and minor statement of fact changes.
- Accessible redesign of State Hazard Plan - Fire, including statement of fact amendments.
- Comprehensive review completed for State Hazard Plan - Heatwave.
- Statement of Fact amendments to State Hazard Plan - Fire.
Amendments list 18 August 2022
- Initial issue of the DEMC Members Handbook - Attachment to State EM Preparedness Procedure 3.6.
- Revocation of the DEMC Administrative Guideline.
- Statement of fact amendments to State EM Policy and State EM Procedure 3.6.
Amendments list 16 August 2022
- Comprehensive review completed for Traffic Management During Emergencies Guidelines, Response Checklists and Templates and Aide Memoire.
- Accessible redesign completed for WA Community Evacuation in Emergencies Guideline.
- Revocation of the All-Hazards Flagging Guideline.
- Amendments to State EM Policy section 5.8, State EM Plan section 5.3.2 and 5.3.3
- Statement of fact amendments to EM Forms 10A; 17A
Amendments made in 2021
Show moreSummary: Extended Appendix AA (COVID-19 Recovery arrangements) in Policy and Plan
Initial publication of State Hazard Plans: Collapse, Earthquake and Severe Weather (Interim)
Comprehensive reviews completed for State Hazard Plans: Tsunami; Maritime Environmental Emergencies. Accessible redesigns completed for State Hazard Plans: Energy Supply Disruption; HAZMAT Annex B SPRED
Summary: Incident Level Declaration review amendments to State EM Plan, Procedures and EM Form 23. Accessible redesigns completed for State Hazard Plans: Crash, Heatwave and Human Biosecurity and State Support Plan - Emergency Public Information.
Summary: Accessible redesigns completed for State EM Policy, Plan, Procedure and Glossary. State Hazard Plan - HAZMAT Annex A Nuclear Powered Warship, State Support Plan - Animal Welfare in Emergencies and WA Managing Exercises Guideline.
Summary: Amendments from State EM Preparedness Procedures 1-5 review.
Amendments made in 2020
Show moreSummary: Amendments from the WA Community Evacuation Guideline comprehensive review.
Summary: Amendments to reflect 2020 EM Act and EM Reg updates within the State Hazard Plan -Maritime Environmental Emergencies.
Summary: Statement of fact amendments to State EM Policy and Plan Appendix AA (COVID-19 recovery arrangements). Comprehensive Review of State Hazard Plan - HAZMAT SPRED.
Summary: Statement of fact amendments to EM forms 1-22.
Summary: Appendix AA (COVID-19 recovery arrangements) inserted into State EM Policy and State EM Plan. Initial publication of State Support Plan - Emergency Welfare (Interim).
Summary: Amendments to reflect 2020 EM Act and EM Reg updates within State EM Policy, Plan, and Procedures and State Hazard Plans: Crash, HAZMAT, Heatwave, Human Biosecurity and Search and Rescue.
Summary: Amendments to clarify and remove barriers in the existing provisions that are impeding the COVID-19 response and future emergencies. Insertion of section 72A as a sunset clause to allow relevant offices to direct a person or class of persons to take any action reasonably necessary. EM Regulations - inserted allow the issuing of infringement notices for the offence of failure to comply with a direction.
Summary: Prescription of Hostile Act and Heatwave as hazards and prescription of HMAs.
Amendments to HMA prescription for MEE and Human epidemic. Inclusion of DFES as a combat agency for fire suppression.