Online tools
This tool helps you learn about flood risk in your area. It provides floodplain maps and flood levels, where available, as well as floodplain development strategies.
The Perth Groundwater Map helps members of the public identify watertable information for the Perth metropolitan area. It is particularly useful for water-bore drillers, irrigators, and private householders establish groundwater bores in the watertable (i.e. superficial) aquifer.
Urban Nutrient Decision Outcomes (UNDO) is a support tool that evaluates nutrient reduction decisions for urban developments on the sandy Swan Coastal Plain in south-west Western Australia.
Other guidance
Guiding urban water management in areas that experience high seasonal groundwater: Expert Panel report(link is external) (CRC for Water Sensitive Cities 2020)
Environmental factor guideline: Inland waters(link is external) (EPA 2018)
Guidance statement 33: Environmental guidance for planning and development(link is external) (EPA 2008)
Specification for separation distances for groundwater-controlled urban development(link is external) (Institute of Public Works Engineering Australasia 2016)