Coordinator Determinations

Determinations made by the Coordinator of Energy are published here.
Last updated:

Determination of the Benchmark Capacity Providers

The Coordinator of Energy (Coordinator) has determined, under clause 4.16.11 of the Wholesale Electricity Market (WEM) Rules, the Benchmark Capacity Providers. In accordance with clause 4.16.12 of the WEM Rules, the Coordinator has determined:

 1. The Benchmark Peak Capacity Provider will be a lithium battery energy storage system with:

  • 200 MW injection;
  • 800 MWh energy storage;
  • a 330 kV connection near Kwinana or Pinjar

 2. The Benchmark Flexible Capacity Provider will be a lithium battery energy storage system:

  • 200 MW injection;
  • 800 MWh energy storage;
  • a 330 kV connection near Kwinana or Pinjar

Benchmark Reserve Capacity Prices will be determined on a gross CONE basis.

The Coordinators Determination of the Benchmark Capacity Providers may be found below.

Coordinator of Energy Determination - Benchmark Capacity Providers

Market Surveillance Data Catalogue Requirements List

Clause 2.16.2A of the WEM Rules requires the Coordinator and the Economic Regulation Authority (ERA) to:

  • develop and provide to AEMO a list of data items that must be included by AEMO in the Market Surveillance Data Catalogue (MSDC requirements list); and
  • publish a list which contains the MSDC requirements list along with a list of WEM Rules that the ERA requires AEMO to monitor for compliance.

Under clause 2.16.2B, AEMO is required to provide the Coordinator and the ERA with access to all data items in the MSDC requirements list.

The initial combined list was provided to AEMO on 19 September 2023. The current list was provided to AEMO on 13 November 2024.

Market Surveillance Data Catalogue and AEMO Compliance Monitoring Requirements List

NCESS Determinations

The Non-Cooptimised Essential System Services (NCESS) Framework has been implemented to enable the Australian Energy Market Operator, a Network Operator, or the Coordinator of Energy (Coordinator) to identify and justify the need for an ESS not already available through existing market mechanisms and procure those services in a transparent and efficient manner.

The Wholesale Electricity Market (WEM) Rules outline the process by which the three entities may seek to trigger the NCESS procurement process.

Under section 3.11A of the WEM Rules, the Coordinator must consider a range of factors in determining whether to trigger an NCESS procurement and must publish a determination.  

Any determinations by the Coordinator to trigger, or not to trigger, the NCESS procurement process, and any supporting submissions, analysis and studies may be found below. 

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