Home WA Government Document collections Container Deposit Scheme document collection Container Deposit Scheme document collection Collection of documents relating to the WA Container Deposit Scheme Last updated: 8 April 2022 Find out more about the Container Deposit Scheme. Baseline recycling audit Container Deposit Scheme - Baseline audit report Beverage container list Container Deposit Scheme - WA beverage container list Community grants program Container Deposit Scheme - Community grants program successful applicants Conditions of appointment Container Deposit Scheme - Conditions of appointment Container Deposit Scheme consultation Container Deposit Scheme - Discussion paper 2017 Container Deposit Scheme - Consultation summary 2018 Guideline - Regulating container deposit scheme sites Guideline: Regulating container deposit scheme sites Market research on customer preferences for refund point type Container Deposit Scheme - Key considerations for refund point options Minimum network standards Refund point locations and hours of operation submissions received Container Deposit Scheme - Minimum network standards Container Deposit Scheme - Minimum network standards consultation summary Protocols Container Deposit Scheme - Recovery amount protocol Container Deposit Scheme - Local government sharing protocol Container Deposit Scheme - Commercial and industrial recovery amount protocol Container Deposit Scheme - Export rebate protocol Container Deposit Scheme - Bottle crushing material recovery facilities approved methodology Regulation impact statement Impact statement consultation submissions received Container Deposit Scheme - Decision regulation impact statement Container Deposit Scheme - Consultation regulation impact statement Reporting code Container Deposit Scheme - Reporting code: Reporting requirements for the coordinator Sidebar Related information Container Deposit Scheme Provided by Department of Water and Environmental Regulation Share Facebook share(Opens in a new tab/window) Twitter(Opens in a new tab/window) LinkedIn(Opens in a new tab/window) Copy URL