Community Disability Housing Program

Community Disability Housing Program (CDHP) supports people with a disability who require significant and ongoing support to live safely within the community.
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The CDHP program provides access to appropriate and affordable housing for people with disabilities. This includes singles, couples, families, and people who need to live with a carer.

CDHP properties are managed by Community Housing Organisations.

CDHP does not provide crisis or emergency accommodation.

How can I apply for CDHP?

To request housing assistance through CDHP, complete a Request For Housing application form. These can be completed either electronically by downloading the form from this page or in person at your local Communities Office

Applications may be completed and submitted by:

  • the applicant
  • disability support providers
  • advocates
  • guardians and/or
  • a WA Government authority such as the Department of Communities or Department of Health. 

Submit electronic forms via email to or in person at your local Communities Office where you can access a printed form if preferred.

To be eligible for CDHP you must meet the eligibility criteria at the time of making an application, while waiting for a house, and before an offer is made.

As part of lodging your application, you will be asked to supply:

  • proof of identity
  • proof of income
  • medical reports
  • your support plan
  • NDIS plan (If applicable).

For more information regarding required identity documents, please refer to the Evidence Requirements Factsheet.

Communities requires permission to share information relating to their clients. If you have an advocate, or you are advocating on behalf of someone else, you will be required to complete the Advocate Consent Form.

You will be asked to select the area you wish to live in. Download the Which Zone is For You Brochure for a map of zones and list of suburbs in each one.

For more information see the CDHP Brochure.

More questions

For more information about the Community Disability Housing Program please contact

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