ServiceWA Offers: Digital Payment Solution and Services DPC2104

The Cooperative Procurement Arrangement (CPA) buyer’s guide offers a digital payments and rebates capability as a service delivered through the ServiceWA App (the App).
Last updated:

The ServiceWA App Payments and Rebates CPA is designed to allow agencies to purchase a payment and rebate solution-as-a-service from Waivpay Ltd for delivery through the ServiceWA App’s Offers capability. This payment solution is intended for payments or rebates offered to citizens and businesses only.


What’s on offer?

The primary objectives of the Offers capability in the App are:

  • to provide a simple process for App users to access and claim payments, rebates and incentive programs provided by the Government in a single, centralised location; and
  • to efficiently reimburse eligible App users who have submitted a claim.

The Offers capability enables Government payments and rebates, such as Premier’s payments, tourism vouchers and emergency relief payments. The parameters of any digital payment or rebate will be defined by the agency (Customer) when they place their order.

To access and claim offer initiatives, users will download the App and use the Offers service. Depending on the requirements of the agency, users will provide their personal details and payment information, and for rebates supported by the required evidence of their purchase or payment (e.g. receipt). Upon submission of the claim, the digital payment solution will automatically validate the claim against set eligibility criteria and, if approved, the payment will be deposited into the user’s bank account. Users will receive claim status messages in their App inbox.

For a seamless experience, the App leverages a user’s Digital ID for authentication and to pre-populate a user's information, such as name and email. Additionally, users can choose to store their banking details in their ServiceWA account for future claims.

This CPA is for agencies using the App to deliver digital payments and rebates.

This Arrangement does not extend to rebates available outside the App, such as those claimed in person or via telephone. 

Buying rules

It applies to:

all State Government agencies bound by the Procurement Act 2020; and any Authorised Bodies listed on the Approved Register of Common Use Arrangement Buyers, within the following groups:

  • Government Trading Enterprises (GTEs);
  • Other WA Government entities;
  • Universities;
  • Other government entities;
  • Local government authorities; and
  • Charitable institutions.

Roles and responsibilities

The requirements of each entity under this CPA are set out below:

Agencies (Customers):

  • Seek and negotiate a quotation and create a Customer Contract for each digital payment and rebate initiative;
  • Reimburse the Contractor for the payment to the claimants;
  • Provide working parameters for the digital payment and rebate initiative;
  • Where required, receive and address all business enquiries regarding the digital payment and rebate initiative;
  • Address all Government policy and legal aspects of the digital payment and rebate initiative;
  • Resource and facilitate an alternate, non-digital channel for users to access the payment and rebate initiative;
  • Investigate and address any fraudulent activities as required;
  • Provide any specific information required for the digital payment and rebate initiative;
  • Promote the digital payment and rebate initiative to the public; and
  • Provide subject matter expertise as required.

Department of the Premier and Cabinet (Contract Authority):

Through the Office of Digital Government:

  • Manage, operate and support the App and WA Identity Gateway;
  • Perform all required Testing (System integration testing, Performance testing, Portability testing, Regression Testing, Penetration testing);
  • Perform User Acceptance Testing in collaboration with the Customer and approve go-live for each digital payment and rebate initiative; and

Waivpay (Contractor):

  • Implement the solution and each digital payment and rebate initiative within the App;
  • Operate, manage and disburse funds to the App users for Customer digital payment and rebate initiatives;
  • Receive and address all user support queries (from the public) regarding the digital payment and rebate initiative;
  • Provide advice and guidance to the Customer on implementing their digital payment and rebate initiative;
  • Ensure integrity and security of user data held within its solution; and
  • Provide data to the Department and/or the Customer.

Use Cases

To make a claim for a rebate or digital payment, users will be required to log in to the ServiceWA App using their Standard strength Digital ID (similar to a 100-point identity check).

The claim form in the ServiceWA App will be prefilled with the user’s name, email and phone number. If they have previously saved their bank details and address in their ServiceWA Account, these details will be prefilled too. 

Active Kids rebate

The Government wants to increase uptake of its Active Kids initiative. The initiative provides parents with a rebate of up to $200 for registration fees with participating non-school sports organisations. 

The Customer sets eligibility rules regarding locations, businesses, times and dates. Users log into the ServiceWA App with their Digital ID and submit their proof of purchase or tax invoice.

Following validation by Waivpay, the rebate is deposited in the user’s nominated bank account.

Emergency Relief payment

The Government wants to quickly pay citizens affected by a natural disaster in a discrete geographical area. Payments of either $2,000 or $4,000 are available to affected residents to help pay for food, clothing, personal effects, transport and emergency accommodation.

Users log into the ServiceWA App with their Digital ID and submit required evidence of their residential location and that the natural disaster has damaged their home or property.

Following validation by Waivpay, the payment is deposited in the user’s nominated bank account.

How do I buy?

To buy from this CPA, you must complete an onboarding process. This includes:

  1. Engagement with the Department of the Premier and Cabinet, Office of Digital Government and the Contractor
  2. Customer completes and forwards the Order Form to the Contractor.
  3. Contract Authority’s Representative facilitates a Discovery Meeting between the Customer and the Contractor.
  4. Memorandum of Understanding is entered into between the Contract Authority and the Customer.
  5. The Contractor provides the Customer with a Statement of Work, including Quote and timelines for delivery.
  6. Contract is signed.
  7. Contractor delivers the service/initiative.
  8. Offer expires and is removed from the ServiceWA App.
  9. Project close out.

You can commence this process by emailing the Contract Manager. 

What will it cost?

Much of the information relating to this contract is confidential and cannot be released publicly. Additional information, such as contract rates or the price schedule, may be obtained directly from the Contract Manager. 

Who is the contractor?


Contact details

Contact name: Stephanie Pokrivka, Chief Operating Officer

Direct telephone: 61 421 443 631

Website: Waivpay

About us

ACN: 29 630 927 105

ABN: 630 927 105 

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