Debt Recovery Services CUADRS2023

Common Use Arrangement (CUA) buyers guide for agency staff and other authorised users procuring debt recovery services, including overseas debt.
Last updated:

The Debt Recovery Services CUA is designed to help you recover unpaid Australian and overseas accounts, in a way that is efficient, cost effective and with minimal risk.

You can pick and buy from contractors without having to call for quotes. Choose from five qualified debt collecting agencies to recover your debts on a 'no success no fee' model. The CUA rates are maximum rates - you can negotiate lower prices based on debt value or volume.

Services on offer include:

  • letters
  • phone calls
  • skip tracing to track down the debtors
  • field visits to make face-to-face contact with debtors
  • legal action.

This CUA is mandatory for the Perth metropolitan region and non-mandatory in the regions for State agencies.

If your delivery point is regional WA you may:

  • Purchase under the applicable CUA from a CUA contractor; or
  • Exercise your discretion to purchase outside the CUA, and purchase in accordance with Western Australian Procurement Rules and Buy Local policy.

Before you buy, also check that your purchase falls within your organisation's procurement policies.

In accordance with Western Australian Procurement Rules, you can buy outside of this CUA and directly source from an Australian Disability Enterprise (ADE) or Aboriginal Business.

Applicable General Conditions of Contract

The General Conditions of Contract (November 2022) applies to this arrangement.

What's on offer?

This CUA is mandatory for the Perth metropolitan region and non-mandatory in the regions for State agencies.

Debt TypeDescriptionMandatory
Vacated rental debtsArising from vacated housing


Bond assistance debtsArising from housing bond assistance provided by the Department of Housing


Student debtsIncurred by students


Overpaid salary debtsIncurred by staff or previous staff


Hospital debtsIncurred by hospital patients


State Tax debtSuch as first home owner grant, land, payroll and duty tax debts


General debtsOther debt categories that may not be covered by the above including, but not limited to extract and vegetation, fishing licences, quarantine inspection, vehicle towage and storage, venue hire, false alarm debts and direct brigade


Overseas debtsOverseas debt is non-mandatory, however first consider using CUA contractors before going elsewhere.


Buying rules

Buying direct

Prices for this Common Use Arrangement (CUA) are pre-negotiated, and you will only pay if debt is recovered. You can Pick and Buy the specified services from the contractors without calling quotes or tenders – but remember the CUA rates are maximum rates and can be negotiated. Evaluate which contractor represents best value for money for your needs, then contact the contractor to make your purchase.

Although overseas debts* are non-mandatory, you should first consider using CUA Contractors however, you may choose to engage a Contractor outside of the CUA.

State agencies in the regions may choose to purchase from this CUA however, it is not mandatory for them to do so.

View the What will it cost? section to find out prices for the services you require.

Orders should be placed directly with contractors, using the Order Form

Other policy requirements

State agencies should be aware of the following requirements under review the Western Australian Procurement Rules as they apply to purchases from this CUA. The table below is a summary of the requirements, and State agencies are encouraged to review the WA Procurement Rules.

Procurement planning

RequirementWA Procurement Rules
Buyers must prepare a procurement plan and submit it to the State Tenders Review Committee.No, when purchasing from this CUA.
Buyers must involve Finance.No, buyers do not need to involve Finance when purchasing from this CUA. (WA Procurement Rule C1).
Buyers must obtain approval from an authorised officer of Finance to purchase through an alternative arrangement to this CUA.Yes, for all values and delivery locations where the purchase of goods and / or services under the CUA are mandatory (WA Procurement Rule C2.2). Please note that State agencies are not required to request advice or approval from Finance, regardless of value, to purchase from an ADE or an Aboriginal Business (WA Procurement Rule C2.2).

Request development and contract formation

RequirementWA Procurement Rules
Buyers must prepare an evaluation report.No, when purchasing from this CUA.
Buyers must submit an evaluation report to the State Tender Review Committee.No, when purchasing from this CUA.
Buyers must publish details of their contract on Tenders WA.No, when purchasing from this CUA (WA Procurement Rule D8.1(3)).
Buyers must record the contract on the agency’s contract register, as instructed within the buying agency’s financial management manual.Yes, for all purchases above $50,000 (WA Procurement Rule F5), unless alternative arrangements have been approved under WA Procurement Rule F5(6).

Contract management

RequirementWA Procurement Rules
Buyers must prepare a contract management plan.Contract management or project management plans must be developed for all contracts with a total estimated value of $5 million and above (WA Procurement Rule E1(1)), unless exempted under WA Procurement Rule E1(2).
Buyers must publish details of contract variations on Tenders WA.No, when purchasing from this CUA.
Buyers must seek advice from Finance on variations.No, State agencies do not need to seek advice from Finance on variations.

Exemption from using this CUA

Procurement Frameworks are responsible for processing and approving all requests from State agencies seeking exemption from using a mandatory CUA. Requests for an exemption are considered on a case-by-case basis, and a requesting agency must be able to demonstrate that a business need cannot be adequately met by the relevant CUA.

Exemption requests should be directed to the Assistant Director Procurement Frameworks through an email to the contract manager in the first instance. Requests for exemption must be in writing via email and must provide sufficient explanation and background to enable the request to be considered. The requesting officer should be the Accountable Authority or delegate of the agency.

For guidelines on what to include in an exemption request, please refer to the Common Use Arrangements Procurement Practice Guideline.


As part of the tender process, contractors on this arrangement have provided details of, and have been evaluated on, their corporate social and environmental responsibility, and the initiatives they have in place to support this.

AMPAC Debt Recovery Pty Ltd

AMPAC’s suppliers are local businesses ranging from process servers and field agents, and legal advisers. These businesses in turn also contribute to the WA economy.

We have an open-ended timeline to providing job opportunities to residents of refugee, youth, Indigenous or disability status recognising that it is important to have representation and understanding of the barriers that these groups, may experience, especially in relation to our field of work. Our process aligns with the Equal Opportunity Act 1984.

ARMA Group Holdings Pty Ltd

  • Local Resourcing - is from our West Perth Offices where all core services relating to the provision of services will be undertaken.
  • Indigenous Employee Recruitment - our recruitment partner in Western Australia, Maxima, is committed to facilitating meaningful employment and vocational training opportunities for Indigenous Australians and positive outcomes for employers. This includes acting as a significant employer of indigenous trainees and apprentices, providing quality pre-employment training programs and providing effective mentoring and coaching services to indigenous employees.
  • Use of Local Materials - 100% - it is expected that all materials to be used within our Perth Offices to deliver the services under this contract (including but not limited to, office equipment, IT infrastructure and stationery) will be sourced from local suppliers.
  • Community Programs - as a Group, we see ourselves as an extension of our clients' brands, and this influences not only the way we engage with their customers but also our involvement with community groups and charities that they support. By way of example, in partnership with one of our long-standing clients, we sponsor the Ronald McDonald House Charities (RMHC). RMHC supports the families of seriously ill children during their stay in hospital through providing accommodation, meals and emotional support.

Baycorp (WA) Pty Ltd

Baycorp has an environmental policy that aims to integrate a philosophy of sustainable development into all the organisation’s activities and to establish and promote responsible environmental practices in its operations.

In line with this plan, Baycorp has implemented several initiatives aimed at reducing its carbon footprint and minimising our impact on the environment:

  • Time and sensor activated air-conditioning
  • Timed and sensor activated lighting
  • Sensor activated bathroom taps
  • Follow-me printing
  • Recycling facilities in all offices

National Credit Management Limited (NCML)

NCML is committed to providing sustainable financial solutions delivered in a responsible fashion. It has a long-term partnership with Kildonan Uniting Care to promote respectful engagement with consumers and the proactive recognition and management of financial hardship. 

Recoveries Corporation Pty Ltd

The community has high expectations of financial services providers that go beyond minimum legal requirements. We are committed to meeting these expectations to ensure the success of our business and to protect our clients and other stakeholders. We pride ourselves on providing our customers with genuine and affordable financial solutions tailored to their unique financial circumstances.

Who supplies what

This matrix table provides an overview of all contractors you can purchase from under the CUA and the services they have been contracted to provide. 

Contractor Australian DebtOverseas Debt
AMPAC Debt Recovery Pty LtdYesYes
ARMA Group Holdings Pty LtdYesYes
Baycorp (WA) Pty LtdYesYes
National Credit Management LimitedYesYes
Recoveries Corporation Pty LtdYesNo

Contractors may have departures from, or additional terms and conditions to, this CUA. For further information please contact the contract manager.


Contractors have the following insurances:

  • Public Liability Insurance
  • Professional Indemnity Insurance
  • Workers Compensation insurance
  • Fraud or Dishonesty insurance

Finance will monitor the contractor’s compliance with insurance requirements throughout the term of the contract. For further information please contact the contract manager.


What will it cost?


The prices quoted for this CUA are maximum prices, so make sure to negotiate lower prices using levers such as the value of debt you are likely to refer per annum, early debt referral, or debt volumes.

When selecting a debt recovery agency, make sure to look beyond pricing. Speak to each individual contractor and ask questions around their approach to hardship, system capabilities, recovery rates and the turnaround times of debts.

No early settlement discounts are offered by the contractors. The relevant fees and commissions associated with the recovery of outstanding debts will be billed separately to the customer; they are not off set against the amount recovered.

Applicable commission rates are calculated using the total debt referred. For invoicing purposes, this commission rate is then applied to the total debt recovered per invoicing period.

Commission rates in the Price Schedule are inclusive of GST.

Other Costs

Field calls

If authorised, the cost of a field call will be payable:

  • regardless of whether the field call service is successful in locating the debtor; and
  • regardless of whether the debt is later found to be unrecoverable.

Skip tracing

If authorised, the cost of advanced skip tracing will be payable:

  • regardless of whether the skip tracing service is successful in retrieving the debtor’s contact details; and
  • regardless of whether the debt is later found to be unrecoverable.

Please make sure you have read the General Conditions of Contract (November 2022) before considering legal action.

The contract manager and CUA contractors are available to provide advice.

Overseas debt

If a debt recovery assignment involves pursuing a debtor in a country other than Australia, the contractor needs to seek the State agency’s approval in writing prior to progressing overseas debt recovery and incurring any reimbursable expenses.

The State agency decides whether to pursue an overseas debt further, based on the contractor giving:

  • an estimate of the total extraordinary cost that will be incurred to pursue the overseas debtor, clearly identifying the debt recovery assignment.
  • details of the extraordinary cost items supported by calculations, quantities, and substantiation of requirement to spend.
  • advice and comments on the likelihood of success.

Payment by purchasing card

The Western Australian Government purchasing card (purchasing card) offers a quick and convenient method of payment allowing goods and services to be efficiently purchased.

Always remember to inform the contractor that you will be paying by purchasing card at the time of ordering the product or service, and ensure they clearly understand that they must send the tax invoice directly to you, the cardholder.


Making the most of this contract

Buying tips

  • Buy from a range of debt collection agencies or set up a sole supplier arrangement.
  • Before selecting a contractor, research how much debt you are likely to refer in each referral band – and think about the main socio-demographic that you collect debt from. This will give you a more accurate picture of your agency’s requirements and will help you negotiate discounts and choose which supplier best meets your needs.
  • Consider aspects beyond pricing. Speak to each individual contractor and ask questions around their approach to hardship, system capabilities, recovery rates and turnaround times of debts. You can ask about the contractor’s write-off procedures and free services they can offer you. Make sure you enquire about the method of sending out debt requests – is this done in bulk or manually? Are debt requests checked for accuracy?
  • Improve your lead times: early referral increases the chance of recovery and gives you potential leverage to negotiate more competitive rates. Look at your internal systems and processes to determine whether you can refer debt earlier. You can ask your contractor for advice on your internal debt recovery processes.
  • Talk to the contractor to discuss the level of debtor detail they need – and you can provide. The more detail you can provide, the higher the chance of recovery.
  • State agencies with special and unique requirements may vary the specifications, such as reporting frequency, non-standard work, and mechanisms for varying prices. You can consult with the contract manager if you require a variation to the standard specification using your Order Form.
  • A major benefit of this CUA is risk mitigation and compliance with the requirements of the Financial Management Act 2006 and the Treasurer's Instructions 202 and 807. The CUA contractors have systems in place to help you comply with your obligations under these requirements. 

How do I buy?

Buying direct

Prices for this Common Use Arrangement (CUA) are pre-negotiated, so you can pick and buy the specified products from the contractors without calling quotes or tenders. Remember the CUA rates are maximum rates and can be negotiated.

View the Price Schedule to find out prices for the services you require. Evaluate which contractor best suits your requirements and offers best value for money, then contact the contractor to make your purchase.

Orders can be placed directly with contractors, using the Order Form.

After I buy

Active contract management pays off

  • Check your invoices to ensure the correct commission is being applied.
  • Manage your contract term – keep an eye on your contract expiry date.
  • Test the market on a regular basis to see what the other contractors are offering.
  • Talk to your contractor to discuss the level of debtor detail they need – and that you can provide. The more detail you can provide, the higher the chance of recovery.
  • If you are unhappy with a service, contact the contractor and clearly outline the issue. Request an explanation and commitment to resolve the matter. The contract manager may be contacted to further facilitate the process and discussions.

For further information, please refer to Finance’s Feedback Management System


AMPAC Debt Recovery Pty Ltd

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Contact details

Contact name:
Damian Barr – Director Government Sales and Services
Direct telephone:
General telephone:
Damian Barr
AMPAC Debt Recovery Pty Ltd

About us


AMPAC Debt Recovery is a licensed, Australian owned debt recovery agency with offices in Perth, Sydney and Melbourne.  

A fully operational branch in Perth ensures our capacity to serve the local market.   

About AMPAC:

•    Specialist debt recovery for Local, State and Federal Government
•    Dedicated Account Management (a team of people focused on individual Department portfolios)
•    Domestic and International recoveries
•    Online client and debtor access

AMPAC is a leader in the Australian debt recovery industry with integrated collection and related technologies designed to quickly engage debtors in the recovery process, thereby reducing the time and costs usually associated with debt collection.

AMPAC’s work consists of debt recovery for large and small public and private sector clients, often with highly sensitive and complex requirements throughout Australia and overseas.  Key market sectors include Local Government, health, education, building and construction, food and beverage, strata and insurance.


8.00am to 5.00pm Monday to Friday

Orders can be placed directly with contractors, using the Order Form.

Last updated: 13 February 2025

ARMA Group Holdings Pty Ltd ('ARMA')

Show more

Contact details

Contact name:
Nikki Dennis, Sales Director
Direct telephone:
General telephone:
Nikki Dennis
ARMA Group Holdings Pty Ltd

About us

627 261 161
56 627 261 161

We take customer engagement to the next level with a full range of innovative receivables management, third-party collections, and legal services designed to increase engagement, increase collections and cash flow, and improve the overall customer experience.

With 250+ years of combined leadership experience within Government collections -as well as within the Health, Essential Services, Banking & Finance and Education sectors – and a strong established presence in WA looking after the leading State Energy and Water providers, our service offerings include:

  • Award winning AI Digital Platform for frictionless customer payments. Incorporating streamlined payment portal, reminders, and arrangement management. Can be white labelled in the name of our client or branded as ARMA and used in 3rd party collections.
  • Highly skilled Government collections team - Customer Relationship Managers liaise and negotiate with customers to collect more on your behalf
  • Highly experienced national legal team - Oakbridge Lawyers


8.00am to 5.00pm Monday to Friday

Orders can be placed directly with contractors, using the Order Form.

Last updated: 15 July 2024

Baycorp (WA) Pty Ltd

Show more

Contact details

Contact name:
Andrew Rogers
Direct telephone:
General telephone:

About us

120 299 014
26 120 299 014

Baycorp is dedicated to providing our valuable CUA clients with a premium, collections service to meet your high standards and expectations. When partnering with us, you can expect exemplary recovery performances, the highest compliance standards, respectful customer engagement and a valuable partnership delivering superior levels of insight and responsiveness. Our processes and operations are built to achieve and exceed these important objectives.

As a long-serving, trusted, partner to the Government sector we understand that you value the immense benefits that our premium service delivers. Our loyal client base choose to work with us at a premium value proposition, knowing that we will perform to our reputation as an industry leader. As part of the ASX 200 company, Credit Corp Group (ASX:CCP), you have the confidence of working with an organisation whose brands have successfully and sustainably operated in the complex, competitive collection services industry for over 60 years. 


8.00am to 5.00pm Monday to Friday

Orders can be placed directly with contractors, using the Order Form.

Last updated: 15 July 2024

National Credit Management Limited

Show more

Contact details

Contact name:
Toni Jones, Senior Manager – Business Growth
Direct telephone:
General telephone:
National Credit Management Limited (NCML)

About us

008 281 123
85 008 281 123

NCML is dedicated to providing our valuable CUA clients with a premium, collections service to meet your high standards and expectations. When partnering with us, you can expect exemplary recovery performances, the highest compliance standards, respectful customer engagement and a valuable partnership delivering superior levels of insight and responsiveness. Our processes and operations are built to achieve and exceed these important objectives.

As a long-serving, trusted, partner to the Government sector we understand that you value the immense benefits that our premium service delivers. Our loyal client base choose to work with us at a premium value proposition, knowing that we will perform to our reputation as an industry leader. As part of the ASX 200 company, Credit Corp Group (ASX:CCP), you have the confidence of working with an organisation whose brands have successfully and sustainably operated in the complex, competitive collection services industry for over 60 years. 


8.00am to 5.00pm Monday to Friday

Orders can be placed directly with contractors, using the Order Form.

Last updated: 12 February 2025

Recoveries Corporation Pty Ltd

Show more

Contact details

Contact name:
Brooke Lawrence
Direct telephone:
General telephone:
Brook Lawrence
Recoveries Corporation Pty Ltd

About us

052 138 799
19 052 138 799

Recoveries Corporation is a provider with a proven ability to navigate the complex regulatory challenges when working with government bodies that require high security of data, optimum confidentiality and brand protection, particularly through the utilisation of a hardship program.

Our experience with government organisations includes extensive and ongoing work with government departments and statutory authorities at state and federal level, including the Australian Taxation Office, Services Australia – Centrelink, Northern Territory Government, TAFE South Australia, South Australia Attorney General’s Office, Western Australia Health, the Department of Health and Human Services Housing in Victoria, Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade in Victoria, Ambulance Victoria.


8.00am to 5.00pm Monday to Friday

Orders can be placed directly with contractors, using the Order Form.

Last updated: 15 July 2024
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