Based on the latest health advice, Tasmania and the ACT will be elevated to ‘high risk’ jurisdictions from 12.01am, Monday 3 January 2022.
Travel into WA from Tasmania or the ACT is not permitted, unless you are an approved traveller and receive approval to enter via G2G Pass.
Under the high risk setting, travellers must still be approved through the G2G Pass system. Approved travellers are limited to:
- certain senior Government officials
- certain active military personnel
- a member of the Commonwealth Parliament
- a person carrying out functions under a law of the Commonwealth
- a person carrying out a limited range of specialist functions
- a person given approval by State Emergency Coordinator or an authorised officer.
The final category includes reasons such as those Western Australians that may have travelled to the ACT or Tasmania recently, prior to the current outbreak, have roots in WA and have a legitimate right to return, subject to the relevant quarantine conditions and required evidence.
Anyone entering from Tasmania or the ACT, or who has travelled through those jurisdictions in the past 14 days, will be subject to the following strict conditions to enter WA:
- be double dose vaccinated against COVID-19, if eligible
- receive a PCR test for COVID-19 within 24 hours of arrival
- self-quarantine in a suitable premises for 14 days
- present for a COVID-19 test if any symptoms develop during quarantine
- present for a COVID-19 test on day 12 after arrival in WA (if still in WA)
- a mandatory requirement to use the G2G Now app while in quarantine.
The Chief Health Officer will continue to monitor and review border controls should there be significant changes in the public health situation.
For more information, visit the Controlled border