The Minister for Energy has given approval for the drafting of an amendment to the Electricity Industry (Stand-Alone Power Systems) Regulations 2021.
Energy Policy WA is proposing a regulation amendment to allow Western Power to continue to develop its disconnected microgrid (DMG) pilot. The amendment will increase the maximum number of customers a stand-alone power system (SPS) can serve from five to fifty customers.
An SPS is a small, self-contained electricity network for households or small businesses. A DMG is a larger scale version of an SPS designed to meet the energy supply needs of small regional communities without connection to the main grid. In the right circumstances, SPS and DMG are safer, more cost-effective, and provide increased reliability.
Once the public comment period has closed, the draft regulation amendments will be provided to the Minister for Energy for final consideration.
Please read the information paper and send us your feedback by 8 September 2023.