Public Service Award for Department of Communities' Executive Director

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Marion Hailes-MacDonald awarded for outstanding work in the disability sector.
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Department of Communities' Executive Director Office of Disability Marion Hailes-MacDonald

The Department of Communities' Executive Director Office of Disability Marion Hailes-MacDonald has been has been awarded the prestigious Public Service Medal as part of the King's Birthday Honours for "outstanding public service through leadership in the development and improvement of services and supports for people with disability, their families and carers."

The medal, which is awarded twice a year by the Governor General on Australia Day and the King's Birthday, acknowledges the exceptional service of employees in the public sector and recognises their dedication to service above and beyond the normal requirements of their position. Up to 100 Public Service Medals are awarded each calendar year, of which only six can be awarded in Western Australia.

Marion said she was "overcome and flabbergasted" when she'd received news that she'd been nominated for the medal, and stunned when she learnt that she'd been awarded it.

"I am delighted and incredibly humbled. My thanks go out to everybody who I've worked with. No leader does it alone, and I've had the privilege to work with some amazing, talented people. This medal is really a recognition of the great work they all do."

Marion has a long history of public service, beginning her career as a nurse overseas before migrating to Australia in the 1980s after several years of travelling across Europe, Africa and Israel. She began working in the disability field in Perth soon after, supporting people with complex needs in residential settings.

Since then, she has managed services and held senior management and leadership roles in a range of contexts across a thirty-year career in the disability sector. Some of the achievements she is being recognised include successfully leading her team to transition 27,000 individuals into the National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS), initiating and co-leading with the disability peak body the establishment of the COVID-19 Disability taskforce in 2020, and conducting extensive consultation to inform the functions, structure and vision of Western Australia's first Office of Disability, where she now works as Executive Director. In this role, she currently leads the implementation of A Western Australia for Everyone: State Disability Strategy 2020-2030 and its first action plan, working to achieve more inclusive, caring and accessible communities that enable people to live well.

Marion's peers describe her leadership style as flexible, trustworthy, consistent, courageous and focused on "listening," with extensive engagement and consultation across the sector her trademark approach to finding the best solution. Marion said she always tries to keep the tangible impact for people with disability central to her decisions and describes herself as collaborative.

"I always like to bring people along with me and support their professional development. I think the best outcomes are achieved when we contribute our strengths and work together towards making a difference to people on the ground," she said.

The Office of the Governor General had this to say about Marion's achievement:

"Working in the disability sector requires the ability to see issues from all perspectives to find solutions for people with disability. Ms Hailes-MacDonald has achieved this goal, bringing energy, perspective and consistency to an ever-evolving environment. Through her strong professional relationships with sector stakeholders, she has led and implemented major reform initiatives that have stood the test of time."

An investiture ceremony is expected to occur in September where Marion will receive an insignia of her award. In the meantime, she plans to celebrate by catching up with a friend over a bottle of champagne.

Read the complete list of award recipients and their biographies, and learn more about the Public Sector Medal and how to nominate online.