Thanks to the efforts of the WA community and based on the latest public health advice, public health and social measures will be eased to Level 1 to suit the current Omicron wave from 12.01am Thursday, March 31, 2022.
- Mask wearing will continue to be required for people aged 8 years and above (and Year 3 and over in school), other than in the home.
- Indoor home gatherings limited to a total of 30 people, including household members.
- Outdoor home gatherings limited to a total of 200 people, with the 2sqm rule
- Private outdoor gatherings in public spaces limited to a total of 200 people.
Density and capacity limits
- 2sqm rule and a cap of 500 patrons, for two weeks only, for:
- hospitality venues
- nightclubs
- convention centres or function centres.
- 2sqm rule for:
- fitness venues
- entertainment venues
- galleries and museums
- places of worship
- hairdressers and beauty services
- Perth Crown Complex including the gaming floor.
- 75 per cent capacity for:
- seated entertainment venues (forward facing), such as theatres and cinemas.
- major stadia, such as Optus Stadium, RAC Arena, HBF Stadium (main area) and HBF Park.
Contact registration
- Checking in will only be required for higher-risk venues that require proof of vaccination.
- It will not be required at retail outlets and other lower-risk sites where only casual interaction is likely to occur.
Hospitals, residential aged and disability care facilities
- The limit of two visitors will remain per resident per day to residential aged and disability care facilities.
- There will also be no change concerning essential visitors allowed to hospitals, for:
- compassionate reasons such as end of life
- accompanying a child or patient with complex needs
- birthing partner
- carer of a person with a disability, chronic illness and frailty.
- COVID Event Checklists required for events with more than 500 patrons and less than 1,000 patrons.
- COVID Event Plans required for large events with 1,000 patrons and above.
- 2sqm rule applies.
Community sport
- Indoor community sports as per venue requirement.
- Outdoor community sports are permitted with spectators.
Higher education and colleges
- Higher education remains open, with masks required indoors.
- Boarding schools remain open.
Critical worker, school and childcare settings
- These settings remain unchanged: