Public health advice issued for recent arrivals from Victoria

News story
The health advice follows the detection of new positive COVID-19 cases in Melbourne.
Last updated:
Victorian Travel Advice

WA Health has changed entry conditions for Victorian travellers, following a public health alert issued for parts of Victoria. Read more. 

WA Health has issued advice for recently returned travellers from Victoria following a public health alert issued for parts of Melbourne.

Anyone who has visited any of the exposure sites in Victoria during the relevant times should get tested immediately for COVID-19 and self-quarantine for 14 days from their date of exposure.

This 14-day self-quarantine requirement applies irrespective of whether the exposure site is considered a Tier 1 or Tier 2 by Victoria Health.

Victoria Health is in the process of contact tracing the cases and will notify WA Health if any close or casual contacts are found in WA.

Recently returned travellers from Victoria should continue to monitor the Victorian Department of Health and Human Services coronavirus website for exposure locations.