New requirements for transport, freight and logistics drivers coming into WA

News story
New requirements are in place for transport, freight and logistics drivers coming into Western Australia.
Last updated:
A graphic showing changes to transport, freight and logistics drivers conditions

Entry into Western Australia has now changed for Transport, Freight and Logistics (TFL) drivers. 

The Transport, Freight and Logistic Directions (No. 4) came into effect at 12.00pm Wednesday 8 September 2021.

All transport, freight and logistics drivers must complete a G2G Pass declaration to enter WA.

Transport, freight and logistics drivers who have been in a high risk or extreme risk jurisdictions in the previous 14 days will be required to show proof of having had COVID-19 test with a negative result within the previous 72 hours in order to enter WA.  

If those drivers have not yet received their test result, they will be required to undertake a Rapid Antigen Test (RAT) at the WA border at Eucla or Kununurra and wait for a negative result before being granted entry. 

Drivers who have not been in a high risk or extreme risk jurisdiction in the previous 14 days will remain subject to the seven-day testing protocol. Any driver who cannot provide evidence of a negative COVID-19 test within the previous five days will be required to test within 24 hours of entering WA. 

Transport, freight and logistics drivers from low, medium, high, or extreme risk jurisdictions must not enter businesses or public indoor spaces unless:

  • it is part of the driver’s duties as a transport, freight and logistics driver;
  • to get food, beverage, fuel or other necessities, which can’t be delivered to the driver and;
  • to access goods or services for health or medical purposes.

For more information on all the requirements, see the Transport, freight and logistics drivers page.

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