Native Forestry Transition Plan

Public notice
Protecting our forests
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On 8 September 2021, the Western Australian Government made the decision to end native forest harvesting from January 2024. 

The decision has preserved approximately 400,000 additional hectares of karri, jarrah and wandoo (hardwood) forests, meaning nearly two million hectares of native forests will be protected for future generations.

The WA Government is also investing a record $350 million to expand Western Australia's softwood plantations (mostly pine) to support jobs in our State and to create a sustainable future timber supply.

The WA Government's $80 million Native Forest Transition plan will ensure affected workers, businesses and regional communities are supported through the transition. 

The delivery of the three pillars below will position local towns and communities for growth and prosperity well into the future.

Native Forest Transition graphic

Supporting our workers, businesses and communities

The WA Government recognises the significant contribution that the native forestry industry has on our State and the livelihoods of skilled workers in our regional communities and their families.

The Native Forest Transition provides support to affected workers and businesses, drives further diversification of local economies and assists in identifying and securing sustainable job opportunities.

Timber regions map

Native Forestry Transition Group

To help with the transition, the Native Forestry Transition Group (NTFG) was established, consisting of local industry, union, and government stakeholders.

The NFTG helped develop the $80 million Native Forest Transition plan to support workers, businesses and communities in the South West with links to the forestry industry.

The Minister for Forestry Jackie Jarvis oversees the Native Forest Transition program.

The Native Forestry Transition Group (NFTG) is made up of industry, worker, and community representatives including:

  • Forest Industries Federation Western Australia (FIFWA)
  • Regional Chambers of Commerce WA (RCCIWA) represented by Manjimup Chamber of Commerce and Industry
  • Shire of Bridgetown Greenbushes
  • Shire of Manjimup
  • Shire of Nannup
  • Australian Workers Union (AWU)
  • Chamber of Minerals and Energy of Western Australia (CME-WA)
  • WA Local Government Association (WALGA)
  • South West Aboriginal Land and Sea Council (SWALSC)

State Government representatives included:

  • The Department of Jobs, Tourism, Science and Innovation (JTSI)
  • Department of Training and Workforce Development (DTWA)
  • Forests Product Commission (FPC)
  • South Regional Technical and Further Education (TAFE)
  • South West Development Commission (SWDC)

The NFTG met for the first time on 28 October 2021 in Bunbury.

For enquiries about the Native Forest Transition, contact the NFT Team.