The mask mandate for all indoor public settings will be lifted in Perth and Peel from 6.00pm Friday 7 January, with masks to only be required in higher risk or vulnerable environments.
Mask wearing will be required in hospitals, aged care and disability care and on public transport, in taxis, and rideshare vehicles.
Existing proof of vaccination requirements for venues and events will remain in place, including:
- Nightclubs;
- Music festivals and major events (above 500 people);
- Pubs, taverns, hotels (hospitality) and Special Facility Licenses with a capacity of more than 500 people or these specific licensed venues that trade after midnight;
- Events with an Occasional Liquor Licence; and
- The Crown gaming floor.
People will be required to show proof of their COVID-19 vaccination, either in a digital or paper-based form, along with approved identification. See the Proof of COVID-19 vaccinations page for more information.
Both venues and patrons have a shared responsibility regarding proof of vaccination, with venues required to take reasonable steps to ensure all patrons are double vaccinated, unless exempt.
The State Government will be launching a new mobile app next week to integrate proof of vaccination with SafeWA check-ins and provide a safe, secure and convenient option for patrons and businesses.
Travel to remote Aboriginal communities remains restricted.
Additional advice for all people in WA
- Continue registering contact details at businesses and venues where contact registers are mandatory – the SafeWA app is an efficient and safe way to do this.
- Keep checking the list of exposure sites and follow the testing and isolation advice if you have visited an exposure site
- Get tested for COVID-19 if you begin to feel unwell or develop symptoms.
- Ensure you are vaccinated against COVID-19, and get your third dose if you are eligible.