Inaugural system reform plan progress report released

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The first progress report on the family and domestic violence system reform plan has been released.
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The system reform plan, released in April this year, sets out an unprecedented five-year program of reform for responding to family and domestic violence in Western Australia.

The plan was developed by the Family and Domestic Violence Taskforce, which was convened from September 2023 to April 2024, in response to feedback from victim-survivors that navigating the support system was onerous and complex.

Progress in the first six months of implementation has focused on the reform program foundation. This has included establishing robust governance, building strong and collaborative partnerships, and outlining an approach for implementation of the reform actions.

Work has commenced on the delivery of 17 reform actions, including:

  • procurement of $100 million for front line community services
  • redevelopment of the state’s risk assessment framework for family and domestic violence
  • the development of a workforce capability framework
  • the development of a perpetrator data linkage project
  • work to reform Family and Domestic Violence Response Teams which operate around the state.

To access the progress report, visit Family and Domestic Violence - System Reform Plan.

The release of the inaugural progress report coincides with the eighth edition of 16 Days in WA. The theme for 2024 is Stopping Family and Domestic Violence: Play your part, which encourages everyone to consider what they might be able to do to help stop family and domestic violence. For more information, visit the campaign website.

People experiencing family and domestic violence can call the Women's Domestic Violence Helpline 1800 007 339, or Men's Domestic Violence Helpline 1800 000 599, or the national Helpline 1800RESPECT.

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