High-risk prisoners well managed in Special Handling Unit

Media release
The Department of Justice has welcomed an Office of the Inspector of Custodial Services (OICS) review that reports the Special Handling Unit (SHU) for WA’s high-risk adult male prisoners is being well managed.
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Special Handling Unit

The SHU within Casuarina Prison is currently the State’s only specialised and dedicated high security unit, providing intensive supervision of what OICS calls an increasingly complex cohort of prisoners.

OICS found the SHU for adult male prisoners deemed a major threat to safety and security in WA’s custodial facilities to be a calm and controlled environment.

Its report said these prisoners were closely case managed and Casuarina’s leadership and staff were committed to helping suitable prisoners transition back to the prison’s mainstream quarters.

OICS said the unit operated in a non-punitive way and staff and adult prisoner interactions were generally positive and respectful, with the number of incidents in the SHU falling in recent years.

The SHU provides increased access to psychologists and psychiatrists and the report found this additional support had resulted in sustained progress in several mentally unwell prisoners.

A new high security unit and forensic mental health unit were being built at Casuarina and the State Government was also planning an expansion of Graylands Hospital. These may offer future alternative placement options for high-risk acutely unwell adult prisoners.

Department Director General Dr Adam Tomison said OICS recognised the growing complexities of SHU prisoners and the range of increasingly complex associated risk factors they presented.

"Adult male prisoners posing an elevated risk to staff, other inmates and the good order of prison operations require the maximum level of supervision and secure accommodation," he said.

"The SHU performs a vital function in protecting the prison estate while prisoners are provided the type of support that will ultimately allow them to return to general units in the prison."

Corrective Services Commissioner Mike Reynolds said the well-run SHU came down to the high calibre of management, staff and specialist services providers at Casuarina.

"The SHU team working in this unique correctional setting are highly skilled in managing and supporting the highest-risk adult male prisoners and mitigating significant risk," he said.

"They strive to help SHU prisoners re-enter the mainstream prison population through a high level of supervision, behavioural interventions and mental health and psychiatric care."

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