The refuge has been named Koort Kulaark, which translates to 'heart of our home.' It will accommodate 28 women (without children in their care) who have experienced FDV to rebuild their independence.
Clients will have access to 24/7 on-site support and wrap-around services, including specialist mental health support.
The refuge was designed in partnership with Zonta House Refuge Association.
Its contemporary design, which was created by Whitehaus Architects, includes environmentally sustainable, safe and culturally appropriate spaces and a generous landscaped outdoor area to help foster wellbeing.
Local Aboriginal women Elders and artists have contributed to a cultural narrative throughout the buildings and landscaping.
Construction of the facility has been delivered by Western Australian building company Swan Group.
Find out more about Communities’ Family and Domestic Violence Women’s Refuges
Photo: Communities Director General Mike Rowe, Minister for Prevention of Family and Domestic Violence Hon Sabine Winton and Kelda Oppermann at the launch of Koort Kulaark.
Photo credit: UR Media Agency.