Grants awarded to attract childcare educators to regional WA

News story
A total of 10 regional local governments received a total of $250 000 for initiatives to attract and retain early childcare educators in regional Western Australia.
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Photo of two adults rearranging a play area of an early education care centre

Photo: Dale Chapman, Chief Executive Officer, Shire of Shark Bay; and Marie Gamble, Day Care Educator, Denham In Venue Family Day Care.

Two previous rounds of the Attraction and Retention Packages for Regional Child Care Workers Program have been delivered, bringing the total to $780,869 distributed to regional local government authorities so far.

The funds are used for initiatives including training, relocation costs and subsidised accommodation, as well as setting up traineeships and partnerships with local TAFEs and campaigns to attract more people to take up early childhood education as a career.

The program is delivered with the support of the Western Australian Local Government Association (WALGA) and Department of Primary Industries and Regional Development.

In 2021, the State Government committed $1 million over four years to support the attraction and retention of early childhood education and care workers in regional WA.

Check out the 2024 recipients list.