The WA Government has awarded grants to 16 Aboriginal Community Controlled Organisations (ACCOs) as part of the implementation of the National Agreement on Closing the Gap.
The WA Government, in partnership with Lotterywest, released the grants program in October 2022 calling for ideas from ACCOs to improve the delivery of priority community services to Aboriginal people and communities across Western Australia.
Not-for-profit ACCOs across WA were encouraged to apply for a share of grants from the $3.4 million Closing the Gap funding.
Grant applications were invited from organisations who want to improve, expand or develop initiatives across the priority sectors of housing, health, disability, and early childhood care and development. The grants will assist Aboriginal community-controlled organisations in delivering
high-quality, sustainable services and outcomes for Aboriginal people and communities.
A full list of grant recipients can be found in the table below.
Organisation name | Amount | Priority Sector | Region |
Badgebup Aboriginal Corporation | $161,915 | Early Childhood Care and Development | Great Southern |
Esperance Tjaltjraak Native Title Aboriginal Corporation RNTBC | $56,000 | Early Childhood Care and Development | Goldfields |
Kaata-Koorliny Employment and Enterprise Development Aboriginal Corporation | $106,885 | Early Childhood Care and Development | Wheatbelt |
Karla Kuliny Aboriginal Corporation | $88,400 | Early Childhood Care and Development | Perth Metro, Wheatbelt, Great Southern |
Kimberley Aboriginal Medical Services Limited | $280,000 | Health | Kimberley |
Kuditj Pty Ltd | $349,554 | Housing | Perth Metro |
Marr Mooditj Training Aboriginal Corporation | $250,000 | Health | All of WA |
Marra Worra Worra Aboriginal Corporation | $205,080 | Housing | Kimberley |
Moorditj Koort Aboriginal Corporation | $288,773 | Health, Disability | Perth Metro, Wheatbelt |
Murchison Region Aboriginal Corporation | $149,500 | Housing | Gascoyne, Mid-West |
Ngaanyatjarra Pitjantjatjara Yankunytjatjara Women's Council Aboriginal Corporation | $42,494 | Health | Goldfields |
Nirrumbuk Environmental Health and Services Pty Ltd | $30,758 | Housing | Kimberley |
Nirrumbuk Environmental Health and Services Pty Ltd | $365,072 | Disability | Kimberley |
South-West Aboriginal Medical Service Aboriginal Corporation | $150,000 | Early Childhood Care and Development | South West, Great Southern, Wheatbelt |
Wadjak Northside Aboriginal Community (Aboriginal Corporation) | $186,708 | Early Childhood Care and Development | Perth Metro |
West Kimberley Futures - Empowered Communities Ltd | $280,157 | Early Childhood Care and Development | Kimberley |
Wunan Foundation Inc. | $396,704 | Health | Kimberley |