Every household in Western Australia can register to receive 5 free COVID-19 Rapid Antigen Tests (RATs).
As part of the WA Free RAT program, a member of each household is able to register for the RATs online and have the tests delivered to their home address.
People who cannot register online or need assistance can contact 13 COVID (13 26843) to place their order. To register, people are required to provide their name, contact number, email and home address.
Collection for registered orders will be open from tomorrow (Monday 28 February) at the Perth Airport collection point.
People should allow for up to 15 business days for delivery from when they receive confirmation, with regional areas being prioritised initially.
Additional RATs are also supplied to testing clinics to supplement the PCR system and free RATs are also available for pick up at pharmacies for eligible concession card holders.
People who have self-administered a RAT for COVID-19 and tested positive must register their result online (external link) with WA Health.
Those who do not have access to the online registration system must still report their positive test result by contacting 13 COVID (13 26843).
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