Funding of nearly $3 million has been awarded to 17 Western Australian organisations to deliver primary prevention projects.
The program will fund initiatives that target the gendered drivers of family and domestic violence to enable social and structural change that over time will create lasting results.
The grant recipients represent a wide variety of organisations located across WA including Perth, Peel, Great Southern, South-West, Kimberley, Mid-West and Pilbara. Project settings and audiences include local governments, youth, small-to-medium enterprises, Aboriginal men as social media influencers, young people in refuges, English as a Second Language (ESL) schools, early childhood settings and secondary schools.
The Family and Domestic Violence Primary Prevention Grants Program recipients have been announced during the State Government’s annual 16 Days in WA – Stop Violence Against Women campaign.
This initiative is one of many to come from the Path to Safety: Western Australia's Strategy to Reduce Family and Domestic Violence 2020-2030.
The successful recipients will deliver the following projects:
- Zonta House Refuge: Partnering in Prevention
- Australian Red Cross: Roads2respect
- Men’s Outreach Service Aboriginal Corporation: Dijun Way
- University of WA: Midwest Aboriginal Men’s Empowerment Project
- Amity Health: Central Great Southern Family and Domestic Violence Prevention Collaborative
- Patricia Giles Centre: Northern Corridor Primary Prevention Project
- Waratah Support Centre: Get Your ‘Act’ Together!
- Ruah Community Services
- The Salvation Army: Primary Prevention in Workplaces Pilot
- Anglicare WA: FDV Awareness Training for Perth Metro Local Governments
- Desert Blue Connect: Mid West Early Years Gender Equality Project;
- Anglicare WA: It Only Takes One: Healthy Relationships primary prevention and advocacy in schools
- Anglicare WA: #ActTogether against Family Violence
- Health Communication Resources: Empowering community voice in Community, Respect and Equality
- Innovation Unit Australia New Zealand: Youth Co-Design for FDV Prevention
- Financial Toolbox Women at Risk Trust: The Challenging Drivers of Violence Against Women Project
- Sexual Health Quarters: Finding My Voice