Family and domestic violence offenders face GPS tracking

Media release
Electronic monitoring of family and domestic violence offenders is underway in Western Australia to strengthen protection of victims and the community.
Last updated:
a man stands with an electric monitoring device on his ankle.

The two-year trial launched today involves GPS tracking of up to 100 high-risk offenders who have breached a family violence restraining order and committed a further act of family violence.

The McGowan Government has allocated $10 million to the Department of Justice and $5.5 million to the WA Police Force to run the trial from the WAPF State Operations Command Centre.

To support the trial, the funding provides an additional 15 Adult Community Corrections staff and makes available two police officers at any time, 100 new GPS monitoring devices and increased rehabilitation treatment for offenders subject to tracking.

Offenders wear the electronic device attached to an ankle bracelet which will set off an alert if they enter an exclusion zone, for example near the victim’s home, or attempt to tamper with the device.

In these instances, Adult Community Corrections officers would make a swift and appropriate response in consultation with dedicated police officers, including police attendance in certain high-risk situations.

The Commissioner for Victims of Crime will be providing ongoing support to the victims of these offenders during the trial.

The trial is part of a $52.3 million expansion of electronic monitoring in the justice system by the Government.

The launch follows the passage of the most comprehensive family violence law reform package ever seen in Western Australia in June, and the introduction of online applications for restraining orders and increased penalties for the offenders who breach them.

In 2019-2020 there were 12,014 family violence restraining orders lodged and there were 4,594 charges laid for breaches of FVROs.

There were 403 family and domestic violence offenders subject to Conditional Suspended Imprisonment Orders or Intensive Supervision Orders as of 12 August 2020.

Breaches of a family violence restraining order now carry a maximum penalty of $10,000 and two years' imprisonment.

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