Energy Policy WA has released the Exposure Draft of the FCESS Cost Review Amending Rules for consultation.

Public notice
Energy Policy WA has published an Exposure Draft of WEM Amending Rules (FCESS Cost Review Amendments).
Last updated:

Energy Policy WA has published the Exposure Draft of WEM Amending Rules (FCESS Cost Review Amendments). This includes proposed WEM Amending Rules to: 

  • require Market Participants to specify reasonable Start Decision Cutoff times in their Real-Time Market Submissions;
  • clarify that Metered Schedules for Scheduled Facilities, Semi-Scheduled Facilities and Non-Scheduled Facilities are Public Information;
  • implement changes to the market power mitigation framework to improve its effectiveness and improve market efficiency, by ensuring Market Participants’ offers reflect their efficient variable costs;
  • make the current In-Service Capacity Only Scenario (which excludes all capacity offered as Available Capacity) the Reference Scenario;
  • rename the current Reference Scenario (which includes any Available Capacity for which the relevant Start Decision Cutoff has not yet passed) the Available Capacity Scenario;
  • impose an obligation on Market Participants who offer capacity as Available Capacity to monitor Pre-Dispatch Schedules and Dispatch Schedules for shortfalls in energy, Contingency Reserve Raise or Regulation Raise, and move capacity from Available Capacity to In-Service Capacity as required to alleviate any shortfalls;
  • require Market Participants with Facilities accredited for RoCoF Control Service to offer their capacity into the Real-Time Market;
  • introduce more efficient tiebreak methods for FCESS and energy;
  • remove the payment of FCESS Uplift Payments for the provision of RoCoF Control Service;
  • provide an alternative method of compensation (through Energy Uplift Payments) for Facilities constrained on by AEMO to provide RoCoF Control Service only;
  • provide for Energy Uplift Payments for Facilities that are constrained on by AEMO during a period covered by a Low Reserve Condition Declaration;
  • clarify the requirements for the high and low forecast Scenarios in terms of the treatment of Available Capacity;
  • clarify that Energy Uplift Payments are based on In-Service Capacity Price-Quantity Pairs in Real-Time Market Offers only;
  • modify the FCESS Uplift Payment calculations to avoid over-compensating FCESS providers when their enablement losses are partially or completely covered by other Real-Time Market payments;
  • implement minor error corrections and enhancements across the WEM Rules.

A copy of the FCESS Cost Review Amendments Exposure Draft can be found by clicking the link below.

Consultation closed 5:00PM (AWST) on 9 September 2024.

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