The Perth and Peel lockdown will end as planned from 12.01am, Tuesday 27 April.
A post-lockdown transition will be in place until 12.01am, Saturday 1 May.
The following measures will be in place:
- Continue wearing a mask in public, while at work and on public transport unless exemptions apply e.g. vigorous outdoor exercise
- 20-person limit for private indoor and outdoor gatherings
- 20-patron capacity limit and 4sqm rule for:
- cafes, restaurants, bars and pubs for seated food and drink service only
- beauty salons, hairdressers and barbers
- public venues such as recreation centres, outdoor playgrounds, museums and swimming pools
- places of worship
- entertainment venues
- No visitors to aged and disability care facilities and hospitals, except for compassionate reasons and advocacy
- Weddings and funerals can proceed with up to 100 guests, but require an exemption.
- Professional and community sports, including training, permitted but without spectators
- Elective surgery can proceed for category 1 and urgent category 2 surgeries only
- Schools, childcare centres and TAFEs open - mask-wearing requirements apply for all school staff and secondary students, but not primary school students or staff when teaching
- Universities open for online learning only
- Fitness clubs, gyms, casinos and nightclubs remain closed
Regional travel restrictions will be removed, but restrictions on travel to remote Aboriginal communities remain in place.
Anyone in an unaffected region who has been in Perth or Peel since 17 April must comply with mask-wearing requirements.