COVID-19 Test Isolation Payments for eligible workers and carers ceased in December 2022.
Western Australians can now apply for the Test Isolation Payment, if they are required to isolate while waiting for a COVID-19 PCR test result and lose income as a result.
The COVID-19 Test Isolation Payment is part of WA’s Updated Safe Transition Plan and applies to anyone who has had a PCR test since 23 December 2021.
The payment is for eligible workers living in WA, aged 17 years and over, who are unable to undertake paid work during the isolation period and do not have access to paid leave or other income.
The payment is also available to eligible parents, guardians and carers who have lost income because their child, or someone they care for, has been directed to isolate while awaiting a COVID-19 PCR test result.
Applicants have three weeks from the date of the COVID-19 PCR test to apply for the payment.
Payment eligibility will be backdated to 23 December 2021 to cover those Western Australians who needed to get tested and isolate while awaiting a PCR test result because of the Delta Backpacker Cluster.
People tested between 23 December 2021 and 4 February 2022 will have until 26 February 2022 to apply for the payment.
If you receive the Test Isolation Payment while you are awaiting a PCR test result, you may also be eligible for the Australian Government’s Pandemic Leave Disaster Payment (external link) for the additional time you are required to quarantine after you receive your result.