COVID-19 Test Isolation Payments for eligible workers and carers ceased in December 2022.
The WA Government will introduce a $320 COVID-19 Test Isolation Payment from Saturday 5 February, 2022.
This coincides with WA’s safe transition and easing of interstate and international borders.
The WA COVID-19 Test Isolation Payment is a single $320 payment for workers living in WA who have been directed to quarantine while waiting for a COVID-19 test result, and unable to work from home and do not have access to paid leave or other income.
To be eligible, the applicant (or someone they care for) must:
- have undertaken a COVID-19 Polymerase Chain Reaction (PCR) test on or after Saturday 5 February, 2022 and be required to quarantine pending the test result;
- have been likely to have undertaken paid work during the period of quarantine;
- be unable to work from home, and have no access to paid leave or other income support; and
- be aged 17 years or over and live in WA.
The applicant will not be eligible if they:
- are required to test regularly and not quarantine (e.g. essential workers and FIFO workers);
- are required to test due to travel requirements; and/or
- received other income, including Australian Government income support, during the period of quarantine.
Workers will be able to receive the payment only once every 30 days, unless they are directed to re-test and quarantine by WA Health (e.g. if deemed a close contact during the period).
Further details regarding the application process and eligibility requirements will be confirmed closer to the Saturday 5 February, 2022 commencement date for the payment.