Consultation Paper released on Initiatives 1 and 2 of the Wholesale Electricity Market Investment Certainty Review

Public notice
Release of the Consultation Paper on Initiatives 1 and 2 of the Wholesale Electricity Market Investment Certainty Review
Last updated:

The Coordinator of Energy is conducting the Wholesale Energy Electricity Market (WEM) Investment Certainty (WIC) Review, in consultation with the Market Advisory Committee (MAC), under clause 2.2D.1 of the WEM Rules.

The WIC Review is considering five WEM reforms that were announced by the Minister for Energy on 9 May 2023.  

An initial Consultation Paper sets out the findings and proposals regarding Initiatives 1 and 2 and is available below. Stakeholder feedback is invited on the WIC Review proposals that are outlined in this paper. 

Energy Policy WA invites stakeholder feedback on the Consultation Paper with the consultation period closing at 5:00pm WST on 15 August 2024.  Late submissions may not be considered. 

Submissions can be emailed to

Submissions received before the consultation closing time will be published on Wholesale Electricity Market Investment Certainty Review unless requested otherwise. 

Relevant documents:

Consultation Paper - the Wholesale Electricity Market Investment Certainty Review (Initiatives 1 and 2)

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