From classroom to career

News story
School-based trainee, Lucas Wade’s entry into Department of Communities.
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Photo of student Lucas Wade flanked by Communities staff and wearing funny sunglasses

Throughout our youth we are faced with many big decisions to help shape our future. With multiple pathways for young people to head down, making those decisions can be daunting. 

Faced with all possibilities for what comes after high school, Lucas Wade took the power in his own hands to help secure his future by applying for a school-based traineeship with Communities.

In February 2022 Communities welcomed Lucas Wade as a new school-based trainee when he was 16 years old and commencing Year 11 at Harrisdale Senior High School. This marked the beginning of his 18-month traineeship to complete a Certificate II in Government.

On Thursday 31 August, Communities staff gathered at Walyalup Campus to celebrate Lucas’ achievement of successfully completing his traineeship and the wonderful news that this has resulted in a permanent appointment within the Payroll team.  

Now 18 years old, Lucas was joined by his parents, Tammy and Peter, his traineeship manager, Berni Lukaitis, his school VET and Workplace Coordinators, Michelle Pocock and Kelly Lacquiere, and representatives from each of the rotation placements he completed throughout the 18-month program.

Caroline Tavares, Assistant Director General – People Division at Department of Communities spoke about the importance of supporting traineeship programs to increase the number of young people we have working in the department, as we strive to represent the communities we serve and recognise young people bring a unique perspective to the workplace.  She presented Lucas with his framed qualification certificate.

Berni noted it “takes many hands to make our traineeship special” and thanked all those involved in providing development and support in Lucas’ growth. Over the course of the Program Lucas experienced rotation placements in both our Walyalup and Boorloo Offices.  

These placements included experience in Communities’  Information Services team; Facilities team; the Working with Children Community Engagement team; Corporate Communications team-and finally in the Payroll team. 

This is a genuine example of collaboration and partnerships supporting development for young people within Communities. Feedback regarding Lucas’ willingness to learn and great attitude was always positive and encouraging. This was noted by all his supervisors, his VET Coordinators and his external trainers at Skill Strategies International. Not only has he achieved his Certificate and employment; Lucas has also been nominated by his school for a 2023 VET Award in the category - Business and Financial Services; Information and Communications Technology - Certificate II in Government.  

VET Coordinator, Michelle Pocock, spoke of Lucas’ development as a young student to employee and noted the unique opportunity offered through Communities’ traineeship model. She praised Lucas for never missing deadlines and being very organised.

Lucas thanked “The VET office from his school who were very helpful - I wouldn't have this opportunity within the Department of Communities without their support.”

Lucas took the time when speaking to mention every placement supervisor he had been supported by and noted what he had learned with them.  He paid special mention to his traineeship manager, Berni Lukaitis.

“If not for this [traineeship] arrangement I'm unsure if I would be able to have advanced as far at Communities as I have already. I cannot thank Berni enough. She was the mentor, organiser and lifeline of my entire traineeship. Berni was there for all my meetings with Skills Strategies, all my meet and greets with new teams, and someone to always rely on for anything I needed help with.”

Berni concluded the celebration by presenting Lucas with a pair of special glasses to keep as a reminder to continue to see the world through fresh eyes.

The School Based Traineeship Program is an initiative of the Public Sector Commission and forms part of Communities pathway programs. Young people who apply and are selected at the end of Year 10, are employed by public sector departments two days per week and attend Year 11 and 12 for the remaining three days.

If you would like to know more about the School-Based Traineeship Program head to the School Based Traineeship program web page.

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